"It's hard to say since I don't know a whole lot about Alex's quirk myself. I'm sure Emra would know a lot more about time quirks, so maybe she can find someone that has the same quirk and get them back to normal. For now, it'd be best for you all to stay at home for a few days just to see if it's possible for the quirk to wear off." Cole answered. 

"Right, then it looks like we should go home now before things get worse here. Kacchan, Katsuma, let's go home."

"You want us to do what?" 

"Since both you and Katsuma have basically switched bodies, I think we'll just try and make Katsuma act like you, and you act like Katsuma when we're out in public." Izuku stated. 

"You- You can't be serious?" 

"I am, so that means you'll have to wear Katsuma's clothes, and he'll wear your clothes, Kacchan. So right now, take Katsuma to our closet and help him get changed." Izuku suggested. 

"Yah- why can't you do it?" 

"Because, Kacchan, my mom's about to be here any minute and I don't want her to see what's happened to you and Katsuma. And since you can't act like Katsuma right now, I highly doubt she'll fall for it. Besides, even when we do go out in public, we won't go out often or be out that long since I don't want our friends to question things." she explained.

"Do we really have to do this?" 

"No if, ands or buts! Now go since you're the one that caused this to happen!" Izuku demanded and her child of husband groaned as he took their adult son upstairs. 

'Hah- who knows how long I'm gonna be dealing with this, I just really hope they're not gonna be stuck like this forever.' she thought with a sigh, only to be interrupted when she heard the doorbell ring. 

'That's gotta be mom, so I'll just have to find an excuse in case mom asks where Kacchan and Katsuma are.' she thought as she rushed to the front door and opened to see her mom and her twins at the door. 

"Izuku! We're home!" Inko said, making it come from the twins. 

"Hmph, did you two have a fun day at Koko's?" Izuku asked, taking Izumu from one of her mother's arms.

"They're going to get to the hyper stage soon, do you think you'll be able to handle twice as much hyper, Izuku?" Inko asked. 

"I'll be fine, you know me; if I can deal with Kacchan's personality and Katsuma's energy, then I can handle the twins just as fine." Izuku teased. 

"Oh goodness... And where are they?" Inko asked. 

"Ah- Where are who?" 

"Katsuki and Katsuma? You did say that Katsuki would take Katsuma to work with him today, so are they back yet?" 

"O-Oh! N-No, they're not back yet. I-I think Kacchan just finished work, and I just called him to go to the market to get some things for dinner tonight. You don't need to worry, mom." Izuku answered with a slight stutter. 

"I see, then tell Katsuma that I'll be waiting for him to visit me with his brother and sister next time." Inko answered. 

"M-Mn! I will, mom." "And make sure you're not working too hard, Izuku." 

"Don't worry, I won't! Bye mom!"

The second the greenette's mother was out of the house, she grabbed the twins and held one in each arm as she rushed up the stairs. 

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