Chapter 16: Running into George

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up very very very hungry to be fair I have never been this hungry before.

I get out of bed and put on some clothes. I open my window and jump out. I jump from building to building then stop in a allyway. Of course teenagers were joking around pushing each other. I didn't wait I jump down and take them all in at once.

After I finished the last guy I was still hungry so I start taking people off the street and feeding on them. I jump down behind a guy and he turns around. It was George.

"Clay! What are you doing here?" George asks

"I- W-ell u-um-"

"Clay is your mouth bleeding?!" George says. George walks up close to me and wipes my chin clean.

"There better" George says

"Thank you" I mumble. I was shocked and George was skocked as well.

I put my hand over my mouth. George's eyes light up and he smiles.

"Aww Clay you said thank you that was so sweet" George says

"I am going home" I say

"Wait wait wait! Clay come on I can just forget that you said thank you okay just stay here like come on we can go look at houses" George says. Say no, Clay say no.

"Of course" I say "Good way to pass the time for the day I just have a feeling that today was going to be a very long day"

God damn it Clay! You said yes! George smiles and turns around. I snap myself across the face and George turns around and looks at me.

"You okay?" George asks

"Yeah I am fine" I say

"Okay" George says. George looks away and starts walking I follow close behind.

For some reason I wasn't hungry at all but that feeling was back into my stomach that feeling I felt yesterday. I stop and George stops and looks at me. I snap my face and George runs up to me.

"Clay what are you doing?" George says

"That feeling is back and I hate it! I need to snap myself out of it" I say

"Clay you dont need to-"

I push George into the allyway and snap him into the wall. My hands were beside George's shoulders and George stares at me.

"I HATE the feeling and I WANT it to go away" I say. George couldn't get any words out at all.

"I- I-"

"NO ONE asked you George I WANT you to make IT go AWAY" I say


"HOW do you MAKE it go AWAY" I say

"I- I d-dont know!" George says. I look at the ground and move my hand away.

"Your right I am sorry I am just not used to it" I say

"Clay its okay I understand why don't we just go look at houses" George says

"Okay" I say. George smiles and walks away. I follow behind him.

I move up beside George and he looks at me and smiles then looks away.

A new feeling rises in my stomach.

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