Chapter 46: Spanish talking

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This chapter will have talking in Spanish from google translate, I will also put what they are saying in English.

(Dreams pov)

I couldn't sleep what so ever.

I get out of bed and walk down to the kitchen. I deicide to cook some cupcakes for everyone. I start cooking as Quackity walks out and shuts the door behind him. Quackity sits on the kitchen counter stool.

"¿Por qué estás levantado? [Why are you up?]" I ask

"por que hablas en español [why are you talking in Spanish]" Quackity says 

"En caso de que alguien se despierte, no quiero que nos escuche hablar [Just in case someone wakes up, I don't want them hearing us talking ]" I say 

"Oh bien, entonces, ¿qué estás haciendo? [Oh okay, so what are you doing?]" Quackity asks

"Haciendo cupcakes para todos [Making cupcakes for everyone]" I say

"¿que sabor? [what flavor?]" Quackity asks

"Todos los sabores y no, no los estoy mezclando todos juntos, los estoy haciendo por separado [Every flavor and no I am not mixing them all together I am making them all separate]" I say

"Gracias a Dios por eso [Thank god for that]" Quackity says. Me and Quackity contiure to talk about random shit that comes to our minds.

I don't understand why Quackity wants to be friends with me but that doesn't matter. Quackity looks at his fang necklace.

"Gracias por este colmillo Sueño [Thank you for this fang Dream]" Quackity says 

"No hay problema, de todos modos no tengo dónde ponerlos, la caja está llena y necesito comprar una nueva [No problem, I have nowhere to put them anyways, the box is fill and I need to buy a new one]" I say

"Así que tú y George, ¿eh? [Sooo you and George huh?]" Quackity says 

"si, yo y george [Yep me and George]" I say 

"uff cuando estan listos los cupcakes [Ugh when are the cupcakes done]" Quackity says 

"ya casi termino las de chocolate [I am almost done the Chocolate ones]" I say

"Bueno date prisa ya [Well hurry up already]" Quackity says 

"Bueno, no puedo congelarlos hasta que se enfríen [Well I can't ice them until they cool down]" I say "De lo contrario, la formación de hielo se derretirá y será realmente asqueroso [Otherwise the icing will melt and be really gross]"

"Sólo dame un cupcake sin glaseado, no me importa [Just give me a cupcake with no frosting, I don't care]" Quackity says 

"Oh, está bien, lo que sea [Oh okay whatever]" I say. I pull the cupcakes out of the oven and hand one to Quackity.

Quackity takes it and eats it almost in one go.

"Mierda, esto es realmente bueno hombre [Holy shit this is really good man]" Quackity says 

"Gracias" I say

"¡Ahora haz más! [Now make more!" Quackity says 

"Bien bien [Okay okay]" I say

"Bueno [Good]" Quackity says 

"voy a estar haciendo esto toda la noche [I am going to be doing this all night]" I say

"Genial me vuelvo a la cama [Cool I am going back to bed]" Quackity says 

"qué [What]" I say. Quackity walks back into the lounge room shutting the door behind him.

I sigh and cook more cupcakes.

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