Chapter 27: Explaining

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(Dreams pov)

George is sitting at the table and I was making food for him.

Once I finished his food I put it on a plate and move it aside. I grab a cup and put some soda in it. I grab a bowl and feel it with blood as well as a cup. I pick up George's food and put it in front of him as well as his soda. I grab my bowl of blood and my cup and walk back over to the table. I place my stuff down then sit down in the chair.

George starts eating his food and I grab a spoon and start using the spoon to drink the blood. George looks at me and I look at him.

"So I better explain everything huh" I say

"Yeah" George says

"Well ask me anything and I will tell you" I say

"Why are you so pale?" George asks

"Vampires are always pale because we don't go in the sun often, we are meant to go out at night to kill and I do, do that but I can go in the sun, most vampires can't but I am a vampire who can" I say

"Okay" George says. George eats a bit more and so do I.

"Why are you so cold?" George says 

"George to be far vampires are basically dead , we have no blood so we are cold" I say

"Ah okay" George says. We both eat a little bit more.

"Do you only eat/drink blood?" George asks

"I can't human food or drink human stuff it will make me very sick" I say. George nods and we both go back to eating once again.

"Clay can you make sure of something" George says

"Oh?" I say

"Just tell me when you go out to get blood so I know and don't drink mine with out permission" George says

"Of course" I say

"Thank you" George says "I would also like to say that your cooking is amazing for a person who doesn't eat human food at all"

"I had a adopted sister who was human so I used to cook for her" I say

"What happened to her?" George says

"My dad ate her" I say. I feel tears come into my eyes. 

I wipe my eyes and George notices this.

"Clay, you know you can let it all out" George says

"What" I say

"I am not going to make fun of you crying, we all cry and have to let out our thoughts and sadness all the time" George says "I am here for you Clay and you know that"

I feel tears fall down my cheeks.

"Your a ass" I say. George smiles as more tears fall down my face.

"Your a hard one to break" George says

"What's that supposed to mean" I say

"Like your emotions"  George says "Your emotions are hard to break"

I just smile and giggle lightly. I look down at the blood bowl and move my spoon around and watch as the blood moves around the bowl. George moves his hand over and holds mine that has the spoon in it.

"Your never alone in anything anymore, you have me now and you will for a long long long long long time" George says

"I know" I say "I know"

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