Chapter 2: The night fall

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(Dreams pov)

The night falls over the city and I feel my hunger rise.

I watch as 10 teenagers walk down the allyways messing around saying that a vampire is going to kill them. My hunger rises more and my fangs pop out and my eyes turn red as blood.

The teenages go different ways. I know they are looking for the last vampire alive and that is me, I am the only vampire alive. I jump down and take the teenages one by one eating and drinking their blood. This was the biggest feed I have had in a long long time. I finish all the teenages off and go home.

I clean off the blood and sit on the bed. I look at my phone to see a number has texted me. I open the text.

Hey it's me George remember? From the streets today

Oh its you

Yes it's me

Do you need something?

Yes I wish to meet up tomorrow and know more about you

No I disagree

Well to bad your meeting tomorrow at the ##### park

Ugh why a park there are to many kids around and ao many people I hate it

Why are you so cold? You just push people away do you even care about anyone do you even have any friends or family?

Now your making me pissed so just shut up alright

Okay okay but just show up tomorrow okay? Don't stand me up I just want to get to know you


Because you stand out from the crowd, I don't know why you just stand out but you do, you really do

Stand out from the crowd? I stand out from the crowd? Really I can't stand out from the crowd your just lieing to me like everyone used to

Used to?

Never mind George drop it

Whatever you said it first

Okay I really need to go I can't talk anymore your annoying me really badly

What?! We barely even talked and your already annoyed?

Yes so leave me alone

Please just talk to me a little longer pleaseeeeee

Now your really annoying me


I will block you if you keep asking

Okay okay I will leave you alone just dont block my number good bye see you tomorrow :D

I roll my eyes at the face and put my phone down. Me and George were so different but I don't know why he keeps trying to learn more about me or even try to be my friend. I put my phone on charge and get changed into different clothes.

I lay down in my bed and rub my stomach, I was nice and full and I won't be as hungry tomorrow but I do want to make sure I am full. I smile and move my hand away.

I pull the covers over me and I fall asleep.

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