Chapter 32: Park with friends

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(Georges pov)

Me and Dream were both waiting at the park for Wilbur, Tommy, Sapnap, Phil and Karl.

We were sitting on a bench waiting. I look over at Dream who was looking straight ahead. I look straight ahead to see the gang walking over to us. I hug Phil and Karl. I look at Dream who stands still with his arms cross.

"Can we go on the play ground?" Tommy asks

"Sure just don't destroy anything" Phil says

"We wont" Everyone says. Me and everyone else but Phil and Dream, run to the equipment.

Me and the others play on thr equipment.

(Dreams pov)

I watch as the gang go on the equipment expect for one.

The blonde hair male looks at me and I look at him.

"So, You must be George's room mate"

I rise my eyebrow then look away.

"I am Phil, the father of the group"

I make no eye contact with Phil.

"So uh your hair is it real?" Phil asks. I am starting to hate that people are asking about my hair colour.

(Georges pov)

I was on the top bit of the equipment and I could see everything.

I look down at Phil to see Dream trying not to make conversation. Dream looks up at me and I look at him. I move my head sideways telling Dream to come up here.

Dream walks over to the side of the equipment with no climbing things only a few bits of building was on the side. Dream starts climbing. I was shocked that he was climbing this side.

He make it to the top with me and looks at me.

"You okay" Dream says

"Dream that was fucking amazing!" I say "You just climbed that"

"So your okay" Dream says

"Yeah" I say

"Okay" Dream says. Dream jumps off the building.

I scream and look over. Dream lands on his feet with out even breaking one bone or hurting himself. Dream walks back over to Phil but stands away from him.

Dream gives me a thumbs up telling me that he is okay. I roll my eyes and continue to play on the equipment. I was acting like a kid but I didn't care at all I was a kid at heart and still am.

I look over at Dream who was looking at the grass. Dream sits down on the grass.


I look over to see Karl crawling up to me.

"Dude did you see that guy that came up to you he like jumped down but is like okay and not hurt!" Karl says

"I know, thats my roommate Dream" I say "Isn't he so cool?"

"George ooooo do you have a little love interest?" Karl says

"What no!" I say

"Good" Karl says

"Good?" I ask

"That guy doesn't look or act human what so ever I dont even think having him as a roommate would be a good idea hes just not human" Karl says

"Karl this is my choice don't try and change my mind, he is human hes just s different type of human thats all" I say. I crawl away from Karl.

I continue to play on the equipment with the others leaving Karl alone.

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