Chapter 23: Watching

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(Dreams pov)

George walks upstairs to his bed.

I stand up and follow him upstairs. George turns off his bedroom light and crawls into bed. I watch as George falls asleep. I walk inside his room and shut the door behind me.

I walk over to George's bed and look at him. George looks very peaceful as he sleeps. I put my hand on George's cheek, he was warm meaning that my hands were cold. George shivers and moves his face a little.

I move my hand away and George snuggles closer to his blanket. My eyes turn red as I look at George's neck. George has a scar on his neck from my fangs. I touch the scar on George's neck and he jumps.

George makes a hurt noise and I move my hand away. I look at the scar knowing that, that scar will never go away, it is a permanent scar. I feel my fangs, they are sharp. I understand why people are afraid of Vampires, we are dangerous, we are selfish, we are heartless.

I move my hand away and look down at George. George was awake and looking up at me, the room was dark so he cant see anything, the only thing je can see is my red eyes staring at him. George swallows deeply and moves away a little bit.

"Clay?" George asks

"Yeah its me, sorry if I scared you at first" I say

"Its alright but why are you standing here while I am trying to sleep?" Grorge says "Am I that sexy"

"What" I say. I feel my cheeks warm up.

"Why are you so like protective of that" George says

"Why would you ask that!" I say

"Well your the one who is watching me while I sleep" George says

"What! I was not watching you sleep, I just wanted to see if you were okay and I zoned out" I say

"Yeah right, you really think I am going to believe you?" George says

"You have to believe me I am your roommate and your friend" I say

"My friend?" George says "You just called me a friend!"

"What! No I didn't!" I say

"Yes you did you cant lie!" Grorge says "Your a horrible lier! I know what I heard!"

"No! I didn't say anything!" I say

"So protective about saying that word god" George says "You know when you do something and you deny it and then become protective of it, thats how I know your lieing"

"No true!" I say

"It is, from all the times I hang out with you I know you do like come on your a horrible lier" George says

"I am not" I say

"Yes you are, your a really really really bad lier" George says

"You are too" I say

"I am not!" George says

"Yes" I say

"No" George says

"Yes" I say

"Okay leave me alone so I can sleep" George says

"Okay" I say. George curls up to his blanket and falls back asleep.

I sit on the ground and watch George sleep.

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