Chapter 50: Past

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(Dreams pov)

Me and George were in the kitchen.

I decided to cook while telling George about my past. George was sitting on the kitchen stool and is watching me grab stuff to cook a lot of cookies. I start cooking and George just watches me cook.

"My whole family is died - my dad" I say

"How many people were in your family?" George asks

"My mom, My dad, my older sister, me then my younger sister and older brother" I say

"Wow big family" George says "How did everyone die?"

I let out a sigh.

"My mother was poisoned by my dad as you know" I say

"Yeah" George says

"My older sister was taken then killed in front of my eyes" I say

"My god" George says

"My younger sister was killed by Vampire hunters" I say

"Holy shit" George says

"My younger brother was killed by my dad for not being a real Vampire" I say

"Is your whole family Vampires?" George asks

"Yeah" I say

"Pure Vampire" George says

"Yeah" I say. George takes a cupcake and eats it.

"My dad is still alive" I say

"Where is he?" George asks

"No one knows" I say "He left me when I was 15"

"But you were still young then" George says

"Yeah but I knew how to take care of myself" I say "I had to take of myself back then anyways because my mom took care of my younger brother and sister, my dad never cared to take care of anyone so me and my older sister had to learn to survive on our own"

"You poor thing" George says "You should have had someone there to look after you"

"Yeah but I didn't which is sad but I got used to it, at least I had my older sister" I say

"I am glad she was there for you when you needed her" George says

"Yeah but now she's not anymore" I say. I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Clay it's okay you can take a break from telling me and just cook for a bit" George says. I nod and look at the cookie batter.

I start cooking a little bit more then I sighed.

"I hate my dad" I say "I have for a long time but I still feel like I miss him but I don't miss him hitting me and beating me"

"He hit you and beat you?!" George says

"Yeah" I say "I got like one scar"

"Your dad is horrible, now this is a real question, who in your family has white hair?" George asks. I laugh a little.

"Just me, my mom and dad didn't have white hair and my brother and sisters didn't have white hair" I say

"You are very special Clay" George says

"I already know that George" I say "se que soy especial y diferente [I know I am special and different]"

"I need to learn Spanish now" George says

"No you don't" I say "I only say somethings in Spanish and other langrage's when I am talking to myself " I say

"Okay I just want to make sure your okay" George says

"I am fine now because I have you" I say

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