Chapter 48: Bandaging up

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(Dreams pov)

Phil grabs some de-infecting stuff or my cuts.

"Whoa! Oh hell no there is no way I am letting you use that on me!" I yell 

"Dream calm down" Phil says 

"Oh hell no!" I say. George left the room a while ago while Phil was getting ready.

Karl holds me still.

"Hold still" Phil says 

(Georges pov)

I was  to Quackity and Sapnap while Wilbur was locked in the lounge room.

"Its like a timeout" Sapnap says

"We will get him out when we feel ready that he has calmed down" Quackity says 

"Why did he attack Clay" I say

"George you don't know this but Wilbur likes you and has for a while" Sapnap says "He said to me that this Valentine's he was going to ask you out but he got upset when you told him that you had a date"

"When he found out it was Dream he got so angry that you liked a vampire and not a human like him, he had everything planned out and he was so upset and mad that a vampire ruined it all" Quackity says

"But why did he attack him?" I ask

"Because he saw Dream as weak at the moment" Quackity says 

"Perfect time to attack a vampire, when they have no fangs" Sapnap says. I lean back in my chair.

"Now I have to pick Clay or Wilbur" I say

"George go with what your heart wants, not what others want" Sapnap says 

"Yeah man go with your heart" Quackity says  

"Both my heart and mind want Clay but I feel so bad for Wilbur" I say

"Then go for Dream, no one is stopping you and if Wilbur gets upset with your decision then he was probably going to be in a toxic relationship with you" Sapnap says "I know Dream will take care of you more then Wilbur"

"Don't say that man" Quackity says 

"I've known Dream longer then you so I know" Sapnap says 

"Okay, I know who I want" I say

"Go get your vampire" Sapnap says 

"I already have my vampire" I say

"That's good man" Quackity says. We all jump to the sound of a scream.

We all stand up and run upstairs to my room. I open the door to see Dream passed out while Karl is trying to hold him up.

"What happened here man" Quackity says 

"I put the de-infecting stuff on Dream's cut and he just screamed then passes out really quickly" Phil says

"It might be because he's not used to people trying to bandage his cuts because he just heals himself most of the time" Karl says 

"Probably" Sapnap says 

"How's Wilbur?" Phil asks

"He's in timeout" Quackity says 

"Timeout?" Karl asks

"We locked Wilbur in the lounge room" Sapnap says 

"Oh alright" Phil says

"Why is he so heavy" Karl says

"I don't know" I say

"Why is he so cold?!" Karl says 

"Because he's like dead" I say

"Oh" Quackity says 

"Well Vampires' live on other peoples blood because they don't really have blood of their own" I say.

"Oh okay" Phil says "I kind of wish that I could adopt Dream, he's just really a kid when you think about it"

"I guess you could say that" I say

"Yeah" Quackity says 

"Yeah" I say  

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