Chapter 51: Happy Ending?

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(Dreams pov)

This was it, we did it we finally did it.

I look at the man next to me, to see George was fast asleep. George rolls over and puts his face in my chest. I laugh a little bit.

"What's so funny?" George asks

"Nothing" I say 

"It doesn't sound like nothing" George says 

"I was just thinking that this is one of the best days of my life" I say 

"No" George says with a shocked face

"Yes" I say

"Well I am happy that, that memory was with me" George says into my chest

"Do you think your friends will kill me for this" I say

"Nah" George says "They would be happy for us"

I smile.

"You think so?" I ask

"I know so" George says  "Wait you just asked a question!"

I giggle.

"That's the first time I heard you ask a question" George says 

"You have changed me George, you changed me in a very good way and I love this new me, I think I will get used to it" I say

"I know" George says "So this is where your scar is, across your chest"

George runs his finger along my scar. I hum lightly and George puts his ear to my chest.

"You have no heartbeat" George says 

"Yep" I say

"Does that mean you will live longer then me?" George asks

"Yes" I say

"Oh" George says

"Don't worry I will turn you into a vampire when we get older" I say

"Really?" George says 

"Really really" I say

"Thank god" George says. Me and George hear a knock at the door which makes us both jump.

We get out of bed and put clothes on.

"Someone knocking at the door at this time?" George says 

"Seems like a Vampire thing" I say "My dad can't go out in the sun and my mother couldn't as well and my brother and sisters I am the only one who can"

"Could it be your dad?" George says 

"I hope not" I say. Me and George both walk downstairs and up to the door.

I look at the door and let my fangs pop out. I close my eyes and make them into normal teeth. I open the door to see a man standing in the door way. Lighting flashes and the man was more able to see. My fangs pop out and my eyes turn red.

"Hello son did you miss me?" 

"Father" I say

Andd that's the end of this story yes I just left you on a cliffhanger because I am running out of idea's in this story, if we get enough people asking me to write more of this story and want to see more, I will make a second book to this one but anyways I hope you enjoyed and the next book/story is coming very soon bye bye!

Edit: Omg thank you for the 1k reads! I really appreciate it and now I will make a book 2 for this story for you guys! Once again thank you and I love and appreciate you all!

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