Chapter 10: Cheese cake

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(Dreams pov)

Me and George were both in the kitchen.

I was sitting on the kitchen island while George was cutting the cheese cake, he cuts me a slice and hands it to me. I shake my head and move away from it. George rolls his eyes wraps the box back up and puts it in the fridge.

George looks at me.

"Why are you sitting on my counter?" George asks

"Because I can do you have a problem with that?" I ask

"Yes I do so get off" George says

"No" I say "Your not the boss of me so I don't have to listen to you"

"Clay get off my kitchen counter" George says

"Yes" I whisper. I jump off the counter and my eyes widen.

I can't believe I just listened an did what George asked me to do. I growl and George looks at me.

"You okay?" George asks

"It's none of your business!" I yell. George walks over to me and puts a hand on my back.

"Clay what's wrong?" George whispers. I put my hand in my mouth and move and fingers over my fangs which were just growing back but it hurts like hell.

"Nothing!" I hiss. I push George away and run to the bathroom.

George grabs my arm, I look at him and he looks at me.

"Clay your not okay I can tell" George says 

"George leave me alone" I say "I can take care of myself"

"Clay please" George says

"George let me go" I say

"Clay just let me look at your teeth" George says. I try to pull away but George had a tight hold on me.

"It is your teeth" George says "They hurt don't they?"

"George drop it and leave me alone, I can take care of myself" I say


"LET ME GO I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF" I yell. George lets me go and looks at me.

I look at George, he has a sad face on. 

"George wait-"

George runs into a room and slams the door shut. I let out a sigh and walk over to the front door. I open it and walk out and shut the door behind me. I start walking away not wanted to look back at all but something about George just makes me want to say sorry. I growl and walks to my house.

When I got to my house I slam my front door shut and lock it. I walk upstairs and lay on the lounge. I put my phone on my coffee table. I lay on my back and look up at the roof. It was hard being the last vampire alive in fact I just hate being a vampire because I can never ever make friends because I will drain them dry.

I let out a long hiss and growl then roll over on my stomach. I put my face into the lounge and try to relax my body. It was a long day and one that I will never forget because I just may have lost the only person I can talk to. I hum into the lounge. I hear my phone go off and I look down at it

I got a message from George.

Ayo guys just finished another school thing today which is good anyways I hope your liking this story/book so far anyways bye bye.

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