Chapter 45 - Ruination

Start from the beginning

"My father? It's not my fault! You don't know what it's like to live with him! To deal with him!"  Michael shouted back.

"Well you don't even know how I feel! Every time I met someone close to your family they died! I knew I should have just ignored you! Instead I listened to my father about being friends with a stupid loser!"

"How do you think it makes me feel that my father is behind all of this mess? I hated you ever since I met you! You're nothing but a whiny bitch!"'

"And you're nothing but a stupid boy!"

"Fuck you!"

"Excuse me. I'm going to have to ask the both of you to leave before I call the police" A nurse escorted the both of you out from the hospital. No words were exchanged, only looks of disgust. He quickly left to his car, not daring to look back at you. You did the same. You walked down the sidewalk except you were headed somewhere different.

And so you stood in front of the house. It was never sold off to anyone. Dead plants were still left on the porch. Your hands wrapped around into a fist. Your heart beating fast to a sound of a drum. You took your first step onto the porch. It creaked with every step until you reached to the door. You remembered all the moments you had here even though despite them being short. You took a deep breath and opened the door.

It opened slowly and creaked. Cold air instantly hitting your face and it was in fact not welcoming energy at all. You shivered a bit before stepping into the house you once knew. Old picture frames and broken glass scattered the floor. You couldn't help but pick one up of you and your little brother smiling. You took the picture and folded it into your pockets and went upstairs.

Memories flashed back in your mind.

That terrible oder smell never left. You stood at the end of the hallway. That specific door just calling to you. The carpet still stained with dark red splatters of blood. The door frame paint scrapping off.

you opened the door.

your father laid lifeless on the carpet floor.

His torso practically cut in half.. his blood spilling out.. his guts..

your eyes widened

it was happening again.

you felt a hand reach over to your shoulder and gripped onto it tightly.

The person standing behind you kneeled down to your level.


Michael parked his car by the curb of his house. He cursed to himself a couple of times, rethinking every decision in his life. Maybe if he had never told you.. none of this would have even happened. "If only I could just erase her memories" he sighed heavily, now approaching to his door. A faint scream could be heard but that could just be the kids across the street playing right? wrong.

He looked up at your house. The door wide open with only a few lamplights turned on.

He gripped onto you hard, dragging you back into the room. You kicked, shouted, squirmed, anything you could do to just get out of whoever's grip it was.

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