Chapter 16- J.J

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"We're honoured that you all decided to come by our little studio to make such a grand announcement."

"Thank you Sunmi-ssi." Namjoon bows on entering the studio, "We love your show, honestly. Our Jiminie put your Sunday Sunny podcast on in the mornings and we couldn't help but become fans."

"That's wonderful to hear, I almost can't believe it." Her voice is genuine as she addresses them. That's why they chose her in the first place, "And please, call me Sunni? Sunni-noona if you'd like."

She offers a smile that's not quite as gummy as Yoongi's but it shines no less. Jimin did introduce her to them all and by all accounts they were fans, still they did their research. She'd started at home, on YouTube, podcasts featuring other small similar minded YouTubers, and daily life vlogs. She'd built up a pure fanbase, no scandals unearthed. None that mattered at least.

She'd married her soulmate. 10 years ago, a woman named Kim Euna which some would've considered controversial, until recently, some even still. Seeing as they were a seven all men all romantic type soulmate group, it wasn't much of a pill to swallow.

The universe shows you your life partner yet some still harbour negativity in their hearts? It simply doesn't make sense. It's a paralyzing type of hate.

"We'll be starting in thirty minutes, you can wait in the green room-" Sunmi's eyes glanced across the room for a moment, finding focus quickly, "Seokjungie-yah!" She waves over a man who seems to be younger than Jungkook. 

A deep blush spreads across his face as they greet him. Their eyes catch on the little alpaca and brown cookie plushies pinned to his to his clip board, "H-hello, it's very nice to meet you, I'm a big fan."

"This is my younger brother, he'll stay near if you need anything." 

"Thank you, Seokjungie." Yoongi says warmly and the poor boy's face turns almost worryingly red, eyes seemingly glassing over.

"O-of course! Right this way to the green room." 

"Before we start is there any question you'd like me to avoid?" Sunmi shifts carefully as the cameras get ready to roll. 

"Maybe nothing about our intimate lives." Namjoon offers. 

"Got it, and what about your bonds? meaning romantic versus platonic talk." 

They're silent for a moment, a twinge of worry seeps through the bond. The seven stop, waiting to feel each other, understand and process each singular tug. As Taehyung intertwines his and Namjoon's fingers, their leader speaks for them all, "fire the questions away." 

Sunmi smiles, "Got it."

The lights on the set are just warm enough to keep the partners close to cozy. Spread across two couches, keeping polite yet friendly faces as the interview carries on. It's easy when Sunmi's energy radiates kindly.

"That does sound very relaxing Jimin-ssi. I'm sure your island get away birthday bonding was well spent."  Sumni laughs. Plump cheeks rising, her nose curves at the bridge, defined, her eyes are sharp and focused, yet soft around the edges. Glimpses of crow's feet etch her features gracefully with each smile. Navy blue hair brushes her shoulders, the hair tucked behind her ears showing off the multitude of piercings.

Jin feels a small spike in Jungkook, and he has a feeling their youngest will be calling the piercer over soon.

"Speaking of bonding..." She flawlessly shifts to her next question, no queue cards in sight, "how does it feel? Being soulmates, all seven of you, it must've been a lot to take on, were you surprised?" 

Their eyes glance over to Namjoon, he's still thinking. Without missing a beat Hoseok chimes in answering the second part of the question.

"When Jin hyung's birthday came all those years ago it was a lot at first, not so much surprising," he pauses instinctively leaning into Jin's space as a flutter of a fondness reaches through, "It made sense being soulmates and all. It worked out well, we fell into sync mostly easily, there were a few bumps, nothing is perfect, but our bond, if I can speak for all of us, is the strongest thing we have." 

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