Chapter 9 💓

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A zing through the bond nearly pushed Jin out of bed the second the words fell from Yoongi's lips. Processing each pulse of arousal, coming in waves he sat up ready to go. Exhaustion be damned. 

"Wait," Jimin says, "we should get some nutrients in and hydrate." 

"Do we have to?" Jin wrapped an arm around the younger's waist, pressing half his body into him.

"Oh y-yes we do. If you're gonna fuck me right I don't want you passing out." 

Jimin would be strong in these few moments for the sake of his hyung, and the promise of a good fuck.

"We make it quick."

"Food then showers people, let's go." Hoseok clapped already tugging Yoongi and Jungkook out the door. 


Jin sat on the couch, breathing through the lull in emotions.

He looked over at Yoongi and Jungkook.

The two moved around each other in the kitchen. Easily, never in each other's way, never bumping, just passing, touching with purpose. Almost like watching to cogs in a machine work, perfectly in sync. Hypnotizing honestly. 

Something else that couldn't go unnoticed about the small touches in passing. The way Yoongi would lean against Jungkook, lightly pressing a palm on his side, lingering just an extra second longer than needed. That simple second, enough for Jungkook's emotion to spike, Jin felt that, of course he did.

He also felt Yoongi's satisfaction and equal if not more flustered excitement push through whenever he noticed Jungkook's flushed reactions, it caused Jin to stifle a giggle. He was getting better at telling.

They were adorable really, a lotta horny, but adorable.

He wondered if those two would be a little, extra, but to be fair he also wondered the same and Yoongi and Namjoon, and Hoseok, and Jimin. With them all.

No. What he really wondered was what made him and Taehyung's initials and connection so strong, stronger than the others.

Was it just because embraced him first? Were they all life soulmates?

Meaning, they'd somehow managed to find each other in every lifetime? Did they all find each other if they were all soulmates in every lifetime? In every universe?

......Did they not? 

"Hyung~ cuddle me back." 

Jin's eyes snapped down, not even realising they'd closed and his grip on the now pouty Jimin had loosened. 

"You okay hyung?" Taehyung glanced over, raising himself off of Hoseok, "I can feel you." 

"It's crazy that you can feel him so strongly. I felt something, but I couldn't tell if it was me or not, only now that you say it I can tell it's not my own feelings" Hoseok said.

Namjoon trudged into the room plopping himself next to Jin and Jimin, "I wonder why we can't feel you as strongly though, since we are your soulmates too, maybe we need more time?"

"Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking about, too, like why Taehyung's initials are in bold and why he feels what I feel so easily, why I feel what you all feel but you don't feel me as strongly." Jin's eyebrows furrowed. 

Namjoon leaned over Jimin, to get to Jin, pressing a finger between his eyebrows lightly, "Everything will figure itself out and we'll understand, the Universe knows what it's doing." 

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