Chapter 4🍭

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Taehyung tossed and turned for the nth time, unable to rest his mind.

It'd been a month since everyone embraced Jin as their soulmate. He couldn't be happier, but, he was confused, he knows Jin is confused, he has speculations that the others are also confused.

He turned on his back staring up at the dark. Lost in seemingly never ending thoughts.

We're all soulmates...with Jin, but it's confusing because we want to be closer with each other, but we're not sure if we should, what if we do and we're not soulmates. Then the other thing that's confusing is that not all of us might wanna as...involved..., you know? the love is all there but some of us just aren't as....romantic? What if someone doesn't wanna be close like that but they do it anyway because they feel guilty. Dear stars. The dynamic is confusing to me, so it has to be to the others, what if it causes problems, God I can't even be thinking of this because again what if we aren't all S-

"Tae-yah?" A voice pushed into the room as his door opened.

"Hyung?" Tae sat up, only barely startled, recognizing the voice as his soulmate, the elder trudged into the room eyes still half closed.

Jin plopped himself down on the bed gracelessly, "what's wrong?"

"What? Nothing..."

"You know that I know that you know that I know that's a lie. You're stressed, so stressed that it woke me up and I'm worried, please tell me what's wrong baby." Jin pulled Taehyung close to his side, laying back on the bed, eyes closed but fully attentive.

Taehyung sighed, dropping his head onto Jin's chest, "It's just, I'm worried about everyone else and how things are gonna work between us, you know romantically and...physically.." Tae could feel his face heat up at the thought, so could Jin.

The elder chuckled as he pulled Tae closer, now running his fingers through his hair, "Baby, you don't have to worry about that, we all get each other, everything will sort itself out, but, we can talk about it if you'd like, in the morning hm?" Jin said already feeling the dredges of sleep enveloping his mind.

"kay in the morning."

It was silent for a moment, almost enough for Jin to fall back into dream world until-

"Jinnie hyung?" Tae poked Jin's face as he looked up at the almost sleeping man.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Can w-" Taehyung sighed, "do you wan- are we-" Taehyung sat up to collect his thoughts, causing Jin to become more alert once again. Sorry sleep.

"You know how we kissed for the first time on your birthday?" Taehyung asked. Jin nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips with the memory.

"Well we kinda just got a little closer, y-you know more comforting, more caring, and-- whatever...well, I don't know if we have that type of soulmate dynamic, but- th- I wanna be more physical...with you." Taehyung wasn't one to get nervous or stumble over his words, he was usually bold and forward. Blunt. But this was something different, something delicate.

Jin's eyes shot open after understanding what the younger meant, he smiled, "Oh? You're saying you wanna get up on this?"

"Basically." Tae retorted as some of his confidence returned.

"You know I wanted to ask you the same thing for a while, I didn't know if we were gonna be platonic soulmates or romantic soulmates." It was true, the thought had been spinning round and round in his mind, the only reason Taehyung hadn't felt it as strongly was simply because Jin was better at compartmentalizing (drowning and distracting) his emotions.

"Yeah, me which one is it...for us?" Taehyung asked, voice only slightly nervous.

Without words Jin replied, with Tae already laying basically atop his body he pulled him up to meet his lips. Taehyung, not hesitating to kiss back, turned over, holding himself up with one elbow, sliding the other hand around the back of  neck. The kiss deepened as Jin passed his tongue across Tae's bottom lip, pulling a small unintentional whine from him. Jin, using the opportunity, pushed into the younger's mouth. Jin gripped at Taehyung's hips before flipping them over, now towering over the younger.

Somehow, everything felt more intense, every touch, every kiss, everything- it sparked as if the sensitivity levels were turned up, maybe it was because they were soulmates but everything felt as if it was pure ecstasy.

The pair didn't seem to notice, but the moment their intimacy began both initials flashed a quick glow.

Jin pressed his body to Taehyung's, letting out a groan at the barely there friction. They rubbed against each other needing more, it was pleasurable, yet not satisfying enough.

Suddenly, they both pulled away as the realization that they had basically no idea of what to do if they were to go further. Jin looked to Taehyung who's eyes held pure lust mixing with more. Jin was positive his eyes mirrored that.

Then he spoke, "We should stop here, because if we go further, we might end up hurting each other, you know?" Jin smiled as he placed wet kisses along Tae's neck and chest, good thing Taehyung slept shirtless, he groaned as Jin began to suck on his skin leaving marks, he loved leaving marks, hips grinding down harder.

Taehyung flipped them over once again on top, quickly undoing Jin's pyjama shirt, kissing and sucking on his neck and chest, hips rutting in slow jerks, Jin letting out short puffs of breath. "Y-yeah because we have no ide- fuck, what we're doing and it's not safe." The younger spoke brokenly between kisses. Jin wrapped his arms around the younger's neck pulling him down to a wet kiss, his hands dragging down Tae's back feeling every curve and muscle.

Jin's hips bucked up unintentionally, Taehyung meeting his thrust back, "Oh f- okay."

"Okay, so, n-no sex, at least, ah- not until we figure out how to do it hm right." Tae, now grinding down at angle so his cock pressed flush onto Jin's. Tae's grey sweats and Jin's silk pyjamas quickly becoming an issue.

"N-no sex...but-" Jin lifted his hips sliding his silk pants down revealing that he wasn't wearing anything underneath, Tae let out a satisfactory groan. He sat up and pulled his sweat pants down revealing he was also commando.

"But, we can still have fun tonight." Tae smiled, eyes darkening. He slid a hand between them, pressing their bodies and lips back together.

They did have fun that night.


Forgive me for I have sinned. Bring in the Hobi water.

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