Chapter 7🌙

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"Yah, one of you can't seem to get your yourselves under control and it's driving me insane. What's wrong?" 

Jin hadn't been able to focus since the movie started. Hell even before the movie started it was there, that tug on the bond. It's more than one, more than two. Still, he couldn't tell them apart individually, not yet at least. This pull in his stomach though, it's making it extremely difficult to focus on the plot of the movie he doesn't remember the name of.

"I just can't take it!" Jimin blurted, sprawling his limbs across the couch with a huff.

Jin leaned over, shuffling Hoseok who had half his body thrown over the older's lap, "can't take what?"

"Hyung" a small almost pained sounding whimper came from Jungkook.

So pretending they don't know what Jimin's talking about isn't happening anymore. Thank Universe.

" is kind of hard." Yoongi sighed pulling Jimin closer.

Namjoon tutted, "Okay pause the movie."

"I'm just saying, it's so hard now, knowing we all want each other but not doing anything about it." Jimin grumbled.

"I mean, we did have that orgy in the living room, and that was a lot." Jin wiggled his eyebrows.

"That was three weeks ago and you all said it was a mistake and called me a seduction demon." Namjoon noticed Jimin's eyes turned vaguely sad as he spoke. That wasn't gonna work.

"We weren't supposed to be doing anything at all-"

"But it wasn't a mistake though Minnie, I'm sorry that we said that." Namjoon leaned over pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

Immediately forgiven of course.

Yoongi. Sweet sweet Yoongi. He was the one who didn't think he could handle being physcial without knowing, yet he was the second to fall into Jimin's trap. Curse that beautiful ass. 


All heads snapped to Jungkook, who currently sat with Taehyung in his lap, eyebrows pinched together, huffs of breath escaping his parted lips.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Namjoon tried to peak over. 

- before the movie -

"Kookie please?" Taehyung pouted, sitting on Jungkook's lap, hands around his neck, desperately trying to get him to cave. The dirty rutting was not helping Jungkook's self restraint.

"You know I want to- I want to fuck- w-we can't though." Jungkook groaned, hands digging into Taehyung's hips, stilling the older's needy rubbing against his already tortured cock.

"Movie in 5!" Hoseok called from the hallway.

"We gotta go." Jungkook spoke quickly between pressing small appeasing kisses to Taehyung's lips.

"I guess we do." The older gave up. For now.

Fifteen minutes into the movie and Jungkook relaxed into the couch, eyes locked on the beginnings of a..time travel horror? Whatever the plot, Taehyung nonchalantly threw his blanket over Jungkook as he usually did, the younger accepting without thought. As inconspicuously as he could, Taehyung inched closer and closer to Jungkook, until his body couldn't press any closer.

"Hyung." Jungkook whispered not making eye contact, but placing a light hand on Taehyung's thigh.

Taehyung hummed in response. 

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