Chapter 3 🎪

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Leaving the bathroom was nearly too much, Jin faltered at the end of the hall feeling the initials pick up to an almost dizzying burn. Taehyung gasped, stalling before they made the corner. An odd feeling of secondary emotion, immediate tension and nerves in the pit of his stomach, in his chest. Like a new code written into the back of his mind, whispering what was not his own.

It wasn't unheard of for soulmates to feel each other's sudden spike in emotions, it was almost common. Almost. So the new almost twisting sensation managed to knock Taehyung off course, if only for a moment. He looked to Jin, placing a hand on the small of his back, pressing a light kiss to cheek, saying, "it's gonna be okay." Just above a breath. The feeling of the Jin's anxiety seemed to calm at the touch, he watched as the tension in his shoulders dissipated. Taehyung smiled a private smile only to himself, he can help, he makes his soulmate feel safer.

In the living space they made themselves comfortable on the couch, all the members crowding into each other's space, nervous, worried, waiting. The feeling almost made Jin throw up, in turn, Taehyung. Fuck.

"Hyung do you feel better now?" Yoongi asked, walking into the living room setting down two plates of cake for Jin and Taehyung.

"Y-yeah it was just, more intense than I'd expected."

"Soooo, are you gonna show us the initials?" Jimin poked Jin's sides before leaning back into Namjoon's chest.

Jungkook perked up nearly flinging Hoseok off the couch legs first, "we can make guesses on who we think your soulmate is!"

"I- well.." Jin was at a loss for words.

The room went deafeningly quiet, expectant eyes on him. Taehyung could feel the elder's anxiety shoot through the roof, Jin could feel Tae's worry.

"It's me." Taehyung blurted out.

All eyes fell to the fluffy haired man. Jin's breath hitched.

Some of them smiled, some of them looked confused, but no one looked upset. No one felt upset per se. maybe? Give him a break he's only been doing this for two minutes. Emotions are HARD girl. Or boy, or man or woman, or person.....or?

"Really, can we see?" Hoseok asked first, voice a little unsure though everyone nodded curiously. Jin tried his hardest to see or feel any trace of distain but he couldn't, only curiosity and maybe confusion, either way he couldn't show them his arm, they'd all know, that would be too much to handle.

"He's wearing a hoodie, look at mine, you'll see." Tae held out his arm. The members examined his wrist curiously.

"Oh wow" Jimin said first, eyes wide with awe, though underneath Jin could've sworn there was a hint of-

"This shade of purple is beautiful, but it almost it has a shine to it, like golden." Namjoon noticed.

"Maybe they're those special soulmates." Yoongi added.

"Maybe, hyung does yours look the same? Let me see, please? I cant believe you guys are soulmates." Jimin whined. Curse him. (Not really)

"Yeah you can just roll up the sleeve!"

"Oh yeah let's see hyungie...I wonder if any of us are soulmates." The last part tapered off into a voice soft enough they could've missed it, and they did. Not Jin, he heard their maknae loud and clear.

So, Jin pushed aside the gnawing anxiety in his chest and spoke as firmly as he could muster, "I need you all to listen to me."

His friends were quick to notice his change in tone and demeanour, sitting up straighter as they focused their attention earnestly.

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