Chapter 1 🎂🎉

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As quietly as they can, the three tiptoe into Jin's bedroom. He'd left rehearsals early, a birthday gift from Hoseok.

Jungkook slides onto the bed easily, Jimin turns the bedside lamps on. A bit less than gently Taehyung hauls his leg over Jin's torso, leaning down, face close to Jin's, whisper shouting, "Hyung, come on it's almost midnight wake up!"

"Wake up, stop acting old!" Jimin crawls into the bed beside Jungkook, crowding around their hyung.

Jin groans, placing his hands on Tae's waist gesturing him off, he grumbles, eyes barely open, lips already threatening to break into a smile, "Yah who's old? I'm Jin."

"No time for dad jokes hyung we got-"

Hoseok pokes his head into the bedroom his love heart smile beaming brightly, dimples on full display, "Jin hyung, we gotta light your candles." 

Yoongi follows closely behind Hoseok, bestowing a gummy smile to the soon to be birthday man. His smile dims, furrowing his eyebrows at their maknae tensing up to do something. He scoffs out a laugh before continuing on his way.

"O-kay." Jin turns his body, setting his feet on the floor, at the same moment Jungkook throws his entire self onto his back, hugging Jin tightly, voice alight with giggles.

Jimin pouts, a laugh threatening to break through his façade, "Jungkookie, you're gonna make his back pains worse, he's aging."

Jin turns to Jimin then, flashing him a smile, the younger's eyes turning down into crescents in return. He was gentle with his hyung, with his best friends. He took care of them when needed, in more ways than one. He loved affection, loved being loved. Making the people he loved happy was enough. He loved no one more than his six best friends, they helped him through the hardest times in his life. Seeing the genuinity in his eyes even behind a tease was easy.

Jin plays along, trying to sling their youngest off, MMA style, to no avail. 

"Let's go before Namjoonie accidentally drops the cake." Jin stands up, trudging out of his room, Jungkook in tow for all of five seconds before hopping down.

The journey to the kitchen is always the same. Snickering down the halls, someone climbing on another's back, almost knocking down a vase or figurine.

In the kitchen, leaning over the island, Namjoon and Hoseok, plant candles into the cake prettily. Yoongi sits, head perched in his hands, staring blankly with his mouth hanging open.

"Yoongichi, close your mouth before you catch flies." Jin, gently pats the younger's chin. He grumbles yet closes his mouth anyway.

"Five minutes!"

Jimin's unsteady voice echoes through the large house. No one bats an eye when he comes in swung over Jungkook's shoulder, the younger patting his bum. Jimin yelps as he's swooped down, his legs instinctively wrapping around Jungkook's torso. Taehyung, shuffling behind capturing on his cell phone, a boxy grin spread across his face.

Jin listens to the echo of their laughs and screeches, he listens to Hoseok playfully scolding Namjoon for his candle placements, to Yoongi responding on behalf of Namjoon, "let Joonie be creative."

He silently appreciates them, appreciates that all their hard work, the dedication, the pain, paid off. It's lead them to a comfortable life.

They'd started off, just the seven of them. Somehow meeting years ago when they'd gotten stormed in at a coffee shop nowhere else to go. A group with nothing but a dream and the willingness to go the extra mile, working their way up.

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