Chapter 10 - M.Y

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From that night on things slowed, yet somehow sped up far too quickly.

With their schedule for the New Year they were booked and busy. Shoots, interviews, meetings, recordings. Time passed and they barely felt it, or sometimes, felt it too much.

As usual around this time, Yoongi was busy, holed up in the Genius Lab, he'd barely kept up with the dates, the hours, the minutes. 

His partners weren't just hanging around either. This was their busiest part of the scehdule, you couldn't blame them for losing track of time.

Yoongi mumbled to himself as he worked, complete focus on all three desktops, tired eyes flicking back and forth, moving tracks around. His body felt heavy, his lower back ached, he'd been sitting for at least five hours, "If I set this beat a second later, I think it'd flow into the hook better."

What managed to pull him out of focus was his cellphone ringing off. He startled, nearly knocking over the half eaten jjajangmyeon and two- okay three cups of iced coffee.

He swore he put it on silent. He was a second away from declining the call,  to continue his creative focus, but he saw caller ID and he'd never ignore a call from his soul- best frie- partners.

Yoongi didn't even get to grumble out a hello before he had to yank his phone away from his ear.

"Hyung, where are you?!" Jimin's voice was panicked, that was obvious.

"Wha-? What! I'm in my studio working, what's wrong is someone hurt?!" Yoongi already got up out of his chair, stiff joints cracking embarrassingly loud. Suddenly dizzy from the sudden movement, he found his balance leaning on the desk.

"Shit, he's at the studio, he won't make it home on time!" Jimin spoke to someone else.

"Hello?! What are you even talking about?"

There was shuffling over the line which he could only guess was someone else taking the phone, "Hyung seriously?!" Taehyung whined.

"Yoongi-yah! It's March 8th 11:48pm, do you know what that means?" Jin's voice took over the cellphone. 

Yoongi paused for a moment, thinking. What could possibly be important about th- OH fuck. It clicked. Then he almost passed out, the sudden rush of everything hit all at once. He felt dizzy, achey, sore, he felt warm- no he felt hot.

"Fuck- shit- my birthday!" Yoongi stressed, holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder, scrambling to save his unfinished work, "I won't make it home on time, what- what do I do? I don't wanna be alon- shit." His wrist and forearm already felt uncomfortably warm.

"Jeonggukie's at the gym in the building, I texted him!" He could hear Hoseok's rushed voice, though it was starting to sound a bit distant. 

"Baby? Try to meet Jungkookie down the hall, he's fast but, Genius lab is a bit far away from everything else." Namjoon's voice sort of soothed Yoongi but the ringing in his ears seemed to drown out most of the calm. 

"Yoongichi can you hear me? We're on our way, we'll be there soon, we love you." 

He could hear Jimin and Taehyung panicking in the background, Namjoon and Jin, rushing them out of the house, then the line cut. 


Yoongi grabbed his coat, not even attempting to slide his shoes on. Fuck his arm ached. He stumbled out of the door, vision clouding with fear. Was it left or right? 

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