"Damn you you piece of shit, where do you think you're hiding that I ain't gonna find you?!?!" 

"Now that would ruin the fun. You only have 10 minutes to find me, before I take what I need and you two are just gonna suffer." Damian stated and then his fake body shattered into ice and he was gone.

"10 minutes, what kinda trick is that prick gonna pull?" 

"I don't know, but... But I'm sure he's created clones of himself all over the facility to try and trick us. Let's split up and maybe we'll cover more ground." Izuku suggested. 

"You sure 'bout that? What if you get hurt?" Katsuki asked, concerned. 

"Hmph, don't worry, Kacchan..." she paused as her cat ears poofed out on top of her head and her cat tail uncurled from her back. 

"Now that I can use my quirk, I won't get fooled and I've got plenty of training under my belt." she stated as she cracked her whip. 

"Heh- Why am I not surprised my wife wants to fight?" he teased. 

"Hmph, because I can't let my husband do this all on his own. So let's split up!" 

"Got it!" And both of them ran out of the office and went in opposite directions from each other as the time of 10 minutes began to tick away.

Though the facility is known for being a pretty big factory, the usual ordinary person can't walk the entire place in 10 minutes. But because Izuku has her cat quirk that can make her run faster, and Katsuki using his explosion quirk to make himself fly through the halls, this little task was nothing for them. 

'Where the hell is that piece of shit that thinks touching my Deku is gonna fly? And I don't care what he's looking for in this place, but I'm gonna stop him before he thinks he can outrun me!' Katsuki thought while running through the halls. 

"Are you gonna try and blast my face off each time you find me until you find the real one?" a voice asked behind the blond. Katsuki started to drag his feet as he turned his head around to see Damian–or possibly another fake copy–before him.

"Tch- Like I'm gonna fall for you being the real deal that easily." Katsuki stated. 

"Oh, I dunno, judging from how you instantly believed how I touched your wife, I could see that expression of yours all too easily." Damian teased. 

Katsuki already knew that this really wasn't the real opponent, it was just another clone, and how did he know? The blond glanced down at the man's feet to see that there was a shadow under his feet. 

"Looks like you really are a damn waste of time." Katsuki stated. 

"Hmm~? And what makes you think tha-" Damian began to tease the blond again, but was instantly hit right in the stomach and his body began to shatter like glass. 

"You're looking at the best hero there is, and you really think I'm gonna waste my time on a fake like you?" Katsuki said with a serious tone in his voice. The clone couldn't speak, as he had no idea the blond knew he was a fake again. 

"I ain't the only one looking for you, so you better show up before I end up blowing you to bits the second I see the real you." Katsuki said, as he turned his back on the iced clone and began his search once more.

As she ran through the halls, passing scientists left and right, she instantly got an idea that could probably help her situation. 

'There's too many people in this place that my sense of smell can't find the real Damian, so I should make everyone evacuate the place to make sure that whatever Damian's trying to pull doesn't hurt all these people.' she thought as she ran to the closest fire alarm and pulled it. 

Right after pulling the switch, the alarm echoed through the halls and she pulled out her phone to make a quick phone call. 

"Hello? Izuku? The fire alarm just went off. Do you know what's going on?" 

"Melissa, listen to me! I was the one that pulled it, and all because there's a villain in the facility." 

"What? There is, how do you know?" 

"I can't explain all the details, just make sure everyone gets out of the facility and please keep an eye on the kids like you've been doing!" Izuku answered. 

"Ah- mn, I'll get to it!"

"Evacuate the entire premise? Is that really a smart thing to do sweetheart?" 

The greenette recognized that chilling voice and jerked her head around to see Damian standing mere feet from her. 

'Damian... Is this the real one this time? I don't know what the real Damian smells like, so it doesn't help that I'm going to have to rely on the smell that I do know in order to tell which one's fake and which one's real.' she thought. 

"Eh? What're you gonna try and do to me, huh? Are you gonna try and scratch my eyes out, make me follow a laser pointer until I give up?" Damian teased. 

"Very funny, but I'm not just some little girl that can't fight. I've been a hero and know that if you're the real one or not, that I can handle taking care of you myself." Izuku stated with an intense glare.

"Oooh~ Gonna try and give me kitty cat eyes to make me think you're just an innocent kitty?" Damian joked. 

The greenette didn't answer as she focused all of her senses and could recognize the man's scent; Spearmint, a scent not as strong as Peppermint, but it's a scent that she could tell helped her make her decision. 

"Just like I thought, you're not the real one." she muttered as she cracked her whip towards him and it shattered his body in seconds. 

"What? How did you-" 

"If I really told you the truth, you'd just try to fool me again but differently. And once I find the real you, you'll be sorry." she stated as she ran past the ice clone and outside the facility.


The greenette watched the blonde look around and then make eye contact with her. 

"Izuku, there you are! Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, but I'm about to go back in." Izuku answered. 

"What? Are you gonna fight this villain alone?" 

"No, Kacchan's still inside, but I just wanted to check and see if you had gotten everyone evacuated, and make sure my kids were safe." 

"Mn. Everyone's evacuated, so no one should get hurt if something happens inside. And the kids..." Melissa paused as she glanced at the stroller to see the twins were asleep while Katsuma was watching them. 

"They seem fine to me." 

"Phew, good." 

And just when the greenette was about to head back inside the facility, she heard behind her; 


She halted in her tracks and turned back around to see Katsuma looking up at her. 

"Where's daddy?" 

And right away did the greenette know just what exactly this new target Damian was after.

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

I was supposed to post 3 chapters yesterday and only ended up writing 2, but don't worry, as I will be posting 3 more chapters later today to catch up! Hope you guys are liking it so far, because we've still got a good amount left for this story!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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