36| Plans For The Future

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He said yes! I'm engaged -again- and I'm in shock! He actually said yes

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He said yes! I'm engaged -again- and I'm in shock! He actually said yes. I'm getting married.


"There's thing we have to discuss before getting married though" Marco spoke.

"Will we talk about them now?"

"Yeah, probably the best time....where do we start though?"

I think of things that we should talk about before we tie the knot, but when it's low key difficult when you're so excited.

"Children. Do you want kids?" I ask him, it was the first thing to come to mind.

"Oh yeah, I'd love to have kids of my own, what about you?" He replies with a warmth of his words.

"Yeah, I'd like to have kids too" I return a smile.

"Do you want a prenup?"

I think about the question, I don't see why I would want one but I understand if he wants one.

"No, but I don't mind if you want one" I reply. He immediately smiles and tells me he didn't want one.

"Do you want a big wedding?" I ask him. I'm not into big weddings and white dresses, it's never been my thing.

"No not really, but if you want one then I'll be happy to do it."

"Thank god, I just want to go to the courthouse!" I tell him, he lets out a little giggle before going back to thinking of questions. I've never seen him this happy before, it's wonderful to see!

"I think I should tell you this before we get married, but I must warn you, it's a hard pill to swallow" Marco's words make knots in my stomach....and not in a good way.


"Whenever I was younger, my father abused me as a kid," he began, his voice became more quiet and timid, it's obvious this is something he hides a lot.
"He raped me, Vio. He raped Briella too. It was only Briella and I, he never done it to the rest."

His words hit a soft spot in my heart. I had never suspected that in my whole time knowing him. Marco holds a strong exterior, some say he's the most intimidating person they've ever met. But after hearing his experience, he's hurt and traumatized.

"Marco...I'm so sorry. God, that's terrible, I'm so so sorry." I couldn't find words to explain my emotions. Anger coursed through my veins but I was heartbroken now knowing his background.

"I hope you know that doesn't make me love you less" I explain to him. Nothing will ever make me love him less, if anything, my love grows for him every time I lay eyes on him.

"I love you Lavender, I just felt like I had to tell you.." his voice broke a little. I opened my arms for a hug, which he gracefully accepted.

I know what it feels like to be vulnerable. It's certainly not easy, it's something that everyone has to do at some point in their lives.

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