27| Just Come Home

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My sister is missing, my brother is in prison and I'm waiting for miracle

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My sister is missing, my brother is in prison and I'm waiting for miracle. We filed a missing persons report two months ago and they still can't find her. I don't know where she is, why she's out there, why she won't come home.

We've called all of the hospitals in the USA, but nothing came from it.

Marco told me that he proposed to her, telling me that he absolutely adores her and wants her to be his girl. She said yes. My sister was going to get married but now she's gone. She's fucking gone.

She's Bipolar. She can be a danger to herself. We don't even know if she's alive!

She wasn't taking her meds, going to her regular checkups or therapy. Now she's on the run, she's trying to run away from problems that just run faster than she ever could.

One of her friends, Briella, found out that she's pregnant after her brother overdosed. I've grown closer to the De Luca family ever since the incident. They even helped me get my fathers ashes!

We've all been waiting for Violet to call one of us. I'm afraid that she's hurt herself or took drugs again.

Stupid things make her snap. She's always on the verge of uncontrollable emotional damage and there's no way that we can help her in that case.

The De Luca family have been looking everywhere for her. Marco arranged a plan, sending multiple people out to different states to try and find her. The police won't take us seriously, they just see that she's the sister of Diablo.

Briella is pregnant, Violet is still missing and now we've got a rat

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Briella is pregnant, Violet is still missing and now we've got a rat. Someone leaked crucial information about the Italian Mafia, making me even more stressed.

My brother, Ian, overdosed a month ago. He was extremely ill with his addiction but now he's in rehab.

Now, my baby sister is pregnant. She's moved in with her fiancé and she's going to find out the gender very soon.

As for Vio, we don't know where she is. None of my men can find her anywhere. We've called the hospital, hacked into her bank account but she doesn't been using it.

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