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TW:MENTAL HEALTH/PSYCH WARD (skip this chapter if needed my loves)

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TW:MENTAL HEALTH/PSYCH WARD (skip this chapter if needed my loves)

After meeting Santiago, I felt amazing! He made me feel so seen and heard, I knew I met a lifelong friend. But, he mentioned his sister who has serious mental health issues, making life even more difficult for her. Which reminded me of someone close to my heart.

I sat in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to call me in to see my friend, Orla Maeve Shea. She was admitted to a psych ward a few months ago.

When she called me while I was back in Russia, she was hysterically crying, telling me she was sectioned under the Mental Health Act, which means she was sectioned against her will. I didn't know how to comfort her, I felt completely useless to her.

Orla and I met while we were in kindergarten, I liked her curly raven hair and perfect green eyes. She had the most caring, outgoing personality, no one could hate her...it was literally impossible.

When she went into her teen years, it was evident that she was struggling. I saw her once bright aura turn horribly dull. She wasn't eating much, she could barely keep herself awake, she turned to drugs and it cracked a hole in her happiness.

When we were 14, she was put into an adolescent psych ward. I visited her every time I could, on the days I couldn't visit her, I'd call her instead.

"Violet Rowan?" A doctor called out. I grabbed my bag and walked over to him.

"Hello Miss Rowan, follow me."

The nerves started to set in as I walked with the doctor, he spoke a load of nonsense, trying to build small talk. He then led me to a room, he slowly opened the door revealing Orla sitting patiently.

"Vio?" She spoke up. "Oh my god, it's you!"

Tears rushed to my eyes, seeing her in the state she's in made my heart achingly throb with sadness. Her bloodshot eyes let go of tears, her shaky arms wrapped around my torso, squeezing the life out of me.

"I missed you so much, Orla." I silently cried, trying to conceal my worry. "How are you, my love?"

We took a seat beside each other, she hold onto my hands with every strength she had. "I'm...well, I'm up and down...how about you?"

"I'm okay, I'm so happy to see you!" I spoke as I squeezed her hand.

"I'll be outside, call me if you need anything" the doctor told Orla, she silently nodded, waiting for him to leave the room.

Once the door closed, she started to speak more.

"They're letting me out next week...I think," Orla faintly spoke. "Once I'm out of here, we'll go out for the day!"

I pulled her into my embrace, hoping to comfort her. "Of course, we could go to any place you like!" I told her. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here again?"

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