18| Bloodline of Witches

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Freya invited me over to her house, she also told me that she's invited her whole coven to do a spell for me

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Freya invited me over to her house, she also told me that she's invited her whole coven to do a spell for me. I've met a few of them before, they're all equally talented and intrigued by the magick of witchcraft.
(Magick is psychic and all that)

My mom is also coming over to supervise the spell. I brought my spell book, crystals and a bunch of candles with me. Oh, and vodka.

We have to wear black for protection, I was born for this shit.

I finally pulled up at my sisters house, she seemed to be excited since she was standing at the door. I saw that my mom's car was pulled up beside the garage, she probably arrived hours ago, she loves to have a chat and a cup of tea before doing anything.

"Hurry your ass up!" Freya shouts as I get out of my car. "Everyone is here!"

Jeez, I must be late.

I walked in to see familiar faces, a few of them wore a veil for extra protection.

"Everyone, this is Violet!" Freya shouts, catching their attention.

All I could hear was mumbles of my name, since they all spoke at once. My mom walked over to me and pulled me into her embrace.

"I can't believe we cared for that man" she whispers into my ear. Speaking of Diablo, he hasn't spoke to me as much from the bomb. I guess he's trying to recover some of his documents.

"Okay, shall we go into the room?" Freya asks everyone, which they all agree. I have no idea what she's talking about, ever since I stepped foot into this house, I've felt dizzy and confused.

I followed my sister to the back room, which she uses as a spare living room. The curtains were closed, candles were lit, incense was burning and she had the ingredients laid out on a table.

"Did you open a portal?" I ask Freya.

"Yep, we need all the help we can get."

I felt more presence than human beings, I've been feeling, seeing and hearing spirits more recently. Which I find weird, I had never had this much activity in my whole lifetime. Even when I was a child, I used to get a lot of spirit activity but it was never as frequent as now.

A woman which I've never met before, walked up to me and asked, "the man, why does Diablo want the man?"

"Because he has more power than him" I calmly replied. She then looked back to the spirit, nodding in agreement and understanding.

"You like this man, yeah?" I softly shake my head yes, interested in what she had to say next.

"This person is the man's mother, beautiful lady, young and Irish. She likes you, but won't speak to you yet, the man has a deep love for you but doesn't know how to express or explain it."

Holy fuck.

Everyone looks at me, as if I had something to hide. Which I do, Marco and I aren't dating or in a relationship, we're just each other's company at the moment.

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