"Yay! Let's go, Mel!" Katsuma said as he grabbed the blonde's hand and pulled her. 

"Looks like I'll be busy for a little while, you two have fun." Melissa said, as she took the twins, winked at the couple and was out the door.

'Hm? Have fun? What does Melissa mean when saying something like-' 


The greenette looked up at her husband and immediately realized what was about to happen the second she looked at his intense Ruby Red gaze.

"K-Kacchan... what're you-" 

Too late as he rested both his hands onto her cheeks and pulled her close to him and pressed his lips on hers before giving her a warning. 

She stood there a bit surprised, but it didn't take her long to slide her arms up onto his chest and then eventually wrap her arms around his neck. She knew she shouldn't be doing something like this at her work, but this isn't the first time this has happened and didn't want to stop this either. 

She felt him release his hands from her cheeks only to eventually feel his arms wrap around her waist and pull her in closer for more.

The second they broke away, they stared into each other's eyes romantically and intensely, until he soon rested his hands onto her hips. 


"I think you know where this is going, huh, Deku?" he muttered with a smirk. 

He then lifted her off the ground when she least expected it and all she could do was rest her hands on his shoulders, unsure of where he was about to take her. He ended up carrying her to her own desk and set her down on top of her desk and then planted his hands onto her desk as he gazed deep into her Emerald Green eyes again. 


"You wanna continue?" he asked, with almost a desperate look in his eyes. 

"I- I can't really say no then, can I?" she mumbled as she lifted her hands and wrapped them around his neck once more and then the make-out session continued again.

But things soon started to get a little heated as he eventually leaned towards her to the point that she was lying down on her own desk. He looked down at his beautiful wife who made that same worried but loving gaze at him like she did days ago. 

"I don't think..." he paused as he rested his hand on her chest and grabbed her tie and started undoing her tie. 

"Your friend's gonna come back with the kids anytime soon." he teased as he then started to unbutton the top of her polo shirt. 

"I... I-I don't think so either, so..." she reached her arm out and grabbed the zipper of his suit and started pulling downwards to reveal his ripped chest to her. 

"We can have a little fun for a bit." she said as a blush grew on her cheeks.

He didn't wait any longer and he lowered his body and planted his lips on hers while using his left hand to clasp with her right hand onto the desk. She rested her left hand onto his now exposed chest and started to pull his suit away from his body to the point that only the top half of his body was nude, but she didn't stop there as once she pulled the top half of his suit off, she then pulled his mask off his face. 

The second she completed pulling his mask off, she then ran her fingers through his spiky–yet soft–hair, and soon he broke away from her lips and started kissing and sucking on her neck. Just the touch of his hot lips hitting her neck started to make her moan a little, but he didn't stop as he used his right hand to untuck her polo shirt and lift his hand under her shirt and touch the bare skin of her stomach.

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