Chapter 10.

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Rowena's POV.

"So I know you know I used to keep an eye on Sam all the time but I couldn't always be everywhere, I'm not my dad. So what happened a year ago?" Gabriel asked me. I chuckle. "Well boy, a year ago my son, the one that got Sam, Crowley, was angry I was helping the Winchesters instead of him and put out a huge reward for me being captured and taken to him so he could do God knows what to me and the Winchesters helped me. They let me stay here, and Castiel helped to of course, but Castiel and Dean would go on hunts and Sam would stay with me and we got close, well not like the way you and him are, obviously but we were becoming friends. I was here for a few months, but then after about three months someone showed up, they were humans that were being trained by demons they almost killed me and Samuel but he saved me almost dying himself. We were both passes out barely breathing when Castiel and Dean came back but lucky they were just in time and Castiel healed us. Every since then we've been really good friends and all. About six months ago we were out for drinks and he broke down when I noticed his scars and recent cuts. He told me everything. How depressed and suicidal he had been, I kept pretty close contact with him after that trying to always make him feel better, then about a month ago he wanted to meet and told me about him and Jess breaking it off because he told her he was gay, but how caring and supportive she was but that he still felt terrible about wasting her time in life. I reassured him he didn't do any of it on purpose, I asked him about the self harming and he showed me his fresh still bleeding cuts. I made him let me take care of them. Doctor them up, then he came home. I don't want to lose Samuel, I've tried to keep him alive all this time and I will not lose him to my bloody wrench of a child like Fergus. Samuel is special and I'm glad he has you to care for him." I said smiling with years in my eyes grabbing his hand. "He never told me about the blood addiction being back though, but I can see why. I would've smacked him." I said. "Wait, it's an addiction?" He asked. "Yes why?" I asked confused. "Well when we would lay down at night I could hear him thinking about his terrible addiction to help him cope with everything going on. I just thought he was talking about the cutting. How could I have been so stupid?!" He blamed himself. "Hey, it's okay sweetie. You didn't know. I could see how it would be to help him cope though, Samuel on demon blood is very scary. He feels nothing because he doesn't care about anything." I explained.

Crowley's POV.

"Ah moose. I have another job for you." I said. "I want more blood first." He demanded. "Oh course Moose. Just, take that one." I said pointing at a random demon in my quarters. He looks scared and nervous and I just smiled as I watched Sam walk right up to him and slice his throat taking all of the pouring out blood from his throat. It won't be long until he turns to my demon, the most deadly one all mine because he has endless blood to feed his addiction and I couldn't be happier. Well, if I could be happy. I think it'll only take two more feeds. "Where am I going Crowley?" He asked. "Well I'm sending you to Iowa. I have some demons there that are breaking their soul contracts so I need you to take care of it for me." I stated. Then I stood up and grabbed him so I could transport him there, then he'll call me and I'll pick him up. Simple and easy.

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