The Fair (through Draco's eyes)

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She's crying again. "Stop pitying yourself, you're not gonna die", I say. " And stop crying, you look ugly".

Her jaw drops as she looks at me in shock, "Well that's rude to say", she glares.

I roll my eyes, as I get out the car, "Yeah whatever. We're here now so get out of my car".

Cupid unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car, I look at her and she seems amazed by what's in front of her. She smiles at me and then says, "Draco thanks for all of this, but I can't afford to do anything here right now, I left all my money in my dorm and-

I cut her off and glare at her, as I say, "I didn't ask all of that so can you just get moving. If I had expected you to pay, I would'n've brought you here".

She looks just about stunned at what I just said, which kind of hurts my ego. I know I'm known to be selfish but I'm not a down-right asshole.

At this point, she's just starting to piss me off, so I walk over to her side of the car and gently grab her wrist. "Let's go, I won't say it again", I proclaim.

She follows behind me, as I hold onto her arm, pulling her into the fair. "Two VIP bands, please", I tell the man at the booth.

For whatever reason, when I said that, Cupid shot a look at me and the man in the booth, before saying, "A-Ah no, regular wristbands are okay", as she quickly waved her hands in denial.

I looked down at her and then said, "Can you stop being so stubborn? It's my money, let me buy what I want". I don't understand why she cares so much, it's my money, and it's not like I'm unable to afford it.

She nods, so the man at the booth hands me and her, our wristbands to put on.

I quickly put on my wristband, but I watch as she struggles to put on hers. After struggling for a bit she says, "Hey Draco can you-", and mid sentence, she cuts herself off, I'm not sure why. I do wonder what she was gonna say though. After a while of her just standing there, she goes back to struggling to put on her wristband.

"This is just sad to watch", I thought to myself. So, I quickly grab her wrist, take the wristband out of her hand, and help her put it on. She looks up at me as if she was gonna say something, she was probably gonna say I didn't have to do this for her, so before she could say anything, I cut her off and say, "Just shut up. I'm not doing it for you, I wanna hurry up and have fun".

She'd probably believe that.

I look down at her and then ask, "Where do you wanna go first?".

"I-I don't know, anywhere is fine really- ah!", before she could finish replying, someone bumped into her, which pushed her onto me. For whatever reason, when she got pushed into me, I became completely blinded by rage. She was saying something to me, but I couldn't really hear what because I was so fucking pissed.

"HEY!!", I quickly shouted, as I gripped the arm of the person who bumped into Cupid. "You bumped into her, apologize".

The person scoffed as they looked down at her, "And why should I?". When they said that, it just about flew me off the edge, but I wasn't gonna lose my cool over that when we were supposed to be having fun. Instead, because I knew how strong my hand-strength is, I gripped onto the person's shoulder tighter and they quickly started apologizing. Cupid accepted their apology and the person quickly ran off. I smirked as I watched them run off, "What a fucking punk", I thought to myself.

I look down at Cupid, to see her already looking at me. "That wasn't necessary you know, but... thank you", she kindly said.

"Yeah whatever. Let's go get some food, I'm hungry", I reply. I don't know why she kept apologizing and thanking me for things. After all, I'm not doing any of it for her, I just don't wanna go to any of my classes today and I'm using this as my excuse for skipping.

We start walking to the food stands when I notice she's walking behind me- again.

She's really starting to piss me off with this. "Why are you always walking behind me? Walk beside me, have some confidence", I sigh.

"O-Okay!", she replies, as she moves, to walk beside me.

"That's better", I think to myself. If I'm gonna have somebody walking around with me, it'd be best for them not to embarrass me or themselves.

When we go to a pretzel booth, Cupid looks up at me and asks, "C-Can we get devil dogs please".

I start laughing and point at her face, because her face looks ridiculous. "You should see your face, you're practically drooling", I say.

She covers her face, as I watch her brown skin turn red, "I just really like devil dogs, sorry", she embarrassingly states.

I laugh again as I puts money on the counter, "A cup of devil dogs for the lady, please, and just a regular pretzel for me". The person at the pretzel stand nods, and a few minutes later, hands me, a pretzel, and Cupid, her devil dogs.

We walk away from the stand and go towards a table, "You stay here, I'll go get drinks for us", I say, before walking away from the table, but then I come back; "Wait, what drink do you like?". She tells me she likes Pepsi and I walks off, again, to get our drinks.

I tell the lady at the drinking booth that I want 1 cup of Sprite, and another with Pepsi. She nods her head and begins making our drinks.

While I wait for the drinks to be made, I look over at Cupid to see a girl sit down next to Cupid and start talking to her. Cupid looks nervous but I don't think much of it, since Cupid told me she's pretty shy, so I just thought that maybe the girl knows Cupid, they do look around the same age so that's probably the case.

After waiting a bit longer I finally get the drinks and I start walking over to our table to see the girl gripping Cupid's arm, as Cupid cries. As Cupid cries she says, "Pl-please let me go, I'm sorry".

People just wanna keep fucking with me today, it seems. As I walk over to the table I hear the girl say, "Woah there, kitten, don't cry, I'm not gonna hurt yo-", before she could finish her last word, I quickly put the drinks down, and sock her with my right hand. I look at the girl, who is now on the floor, cupping her cheek.

When I think about what the girl said I get frustrated again, fucking kitten? What the hell is she, a predator? To stop myself from hurting the girl more, and possibly killing her I decide to move, so I pull Cupid up, out of her seat, grab her arm, and hand her, her drink, "Let's go somewhere else, I don't wanna sit here".

After a while, I manage to settle down and we eat our food, and drink.

After we finish our food, Cupid randomly speaks up, "Let's go on a ride", she suggested with a smile.

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