The Fair (through Cupid's eye)

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I start crying again. "Stop pitying yourself, you're not gonna die", he says. " And stop crying, you look ugly".

My jaw drops as I look at him in shock, "Well that's rude to say", I glare.

He roll his eyes at me as he gets out the car. "Yeah whatever. We're here now so get out of my car".

I listen to his words, and unbuckle my seatbelt as I step out of the car. When I look at what's ahead of me I see a giant Ferris Wheel. We're at the fair. I look over at him and I smile gently, "Draco thanks for all of this, but I can't afford to do anything here right now, I left all my money in my dorm and-

He cuts me off as he glares, "I didn't ask all of that so can you just get moving. If I had expected you to pay, I would'n've brought you here".

I hesitate and stand where I am, right by the car door as I try to wrap my head around what he just said. He's gonna pay for me? Draco? The most selfish person in our school? That's the most selfless thing he could do, why is he doing all of that for me?

Draco walks over to my side of the car and gently grabs my hand. "Let's go, I won't say it again", he states.

I follow behind him as he still holds onto my arm, pulling me into the fair. "Two VIP bands, please", he tells the man at the booth.

I quickly shoot my head up to look at him and the booth man as I nervously laugh, "A-Ah no, regular bands are okay", I quickly wave my hands in denial.

Draco looks down at me and then says, "Can you stop being so stubborn? It's my money, let me buy what I want".

I simply nod, and agree with him to not cause any argument. Once I do agree, the man at the booth hands Draco and I, two wristbands to put on.

Draco puts his band on easily, but I struggle to put mines on, "Hey Draco can you-", I quickly stop myself from asking him for help, so I don't embarrass myself. I'm sure he'd say no anyway. "I'll just hold my wristband, but that'll probably seem weird", I think,  so I go back to struggling to put it on.

All of a sudden Draco grabs my wrist, takes the wristband and helps me put it on, I look up at him to say something,  but then he says, "Just shut up. I'm not doing it for you, I wanna hurry up and have fun".

I guess that'd make sense.

Draco looks down at me and then asks, "Where do you wanna go first?".

"I-I don't know, anywhere is fine really- ah!", someone had bumped into me, which pushed me into Draco. I quickly back away from Draco, and apologize but the moment I looked up at his face, I could see he was pissed. I start worrying as tears fill up my eyes, what if I really made him mad? "Draco I'm seriously sorr-".

"HEY!!", Draco quickly shouts, cutting me off before I can finish, as he grips the arm of the person who bumped into me. "You bumped into her, apologize".

The person scoffs as they look at me, "And why should I?". When they say that Draco's grip on their arm tightens and they quickly start apologizing, I accept their apology and then they run off.

"That wasn't necessary you know, but... thank you", I shyly look up at him.

"Yeah whatever. Let's go get some food, I'm hungry", he replies.

I nod and follow behind him silently.

"Why are you always walking behind me? Walk beside me, have some confidence", he says.

"O-Okay!", I reply, as I move to walk beside him silently.

We go to a pretzel booth and once I see devil dogs, I start drooling. "C-Can we get devil dogs please", I ask Draco.

He starts laughing as he points at my face, "You should see your face, you're practically drooling".

I start blushing in embarrassment as I cover my face. "I just really like devil dogs, sorry", I mumble.

He laughs again as he puts money on the counter, "A cup of devil dogs for the lady, please, and just a regular pretzel for me". The person at the pretzel stand nods, and a few minutes later, hands Draco a pretzel, and me, my devil dogs.

We walk away from the stand and go toward a table, "You stay here, I'll go get drinks for us", he begins walking off, but then comes back; "Wait, what drink do you like?". I tell him I like Pepsi and he walks off to get our drinks.

While Draco's getting our drinks, someone sits down next to me. "U-Uhm, this spot is saved for someone else", I mumble.

She looks at me and says, in between a smirk, "Who, your boyfriend?".

"No just my....". I actually don't know what we are. "H-He's not my boyfriend, but he's sitting here with me".

"If he's not your boyfriend, then can I get your number?", she asks.

I quickly start waving my hands in denial, "Ah, sorry, no, I-I don't date currently". I quickly grab my devil dogs and get up but then the girl grabs my wrist to sit me back down.

"I wasn't done talking", they glare. "If you don't wanna date currently then get to know me, and date me when you're ready".

At this point, I'm getting scared, I've never met a girl so aggressive. "Sorry, I-I'm not gay I don't date...".

"You don't date what? Girls? I find that hard to believe", she smirks. "You don't seem like the straight type".

WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! They have too much of a strong grip on my arm so it's not like I can pull my arm away, so I just start crying. "Pl-please let me go, I'm sorry".

"Woah there, kitten, don't cry, I'm not gonna hurt yo-", before I could even react, the girl is on the floor, cupping her cheek. Draco punched her. I look at Draco in shock.

Draco pulls me up, and grabs my arm, and hands me my drink, "Let's go somewhere else, I don't wanna sit here".

I'm sure he didn't do that for me. Maybe he really was mad about Maddy and his friend, but really just didn't wanna admit it.

After a while I get him to calm down and we eat our food, and drink.

"Let's go on a ride", I suggest with a smile.

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