'Hm? Has Amy's quirk affected Kacchan this badly? Ah- these are-' 

Izuku found herself in front of moving images like what happened in her mind, but instead of her nightmares, they were the blond's. At first these nightmares seemed simple and understandable, but eventually they started making the greenette notice something particular. 

"Wait- these are nightmares... with me in them!" she discovered. 

There were so many different images of her, but all of them ended with the same outcome; she was getting away from him. 

"Has Kacchan... been afraid... of losing me?"

As she was already shocked and confused by what she was seeing, she was interrupted by a strange sound. 

'Huh? What's that noise?' she thought as she searched around to find a noise of what could only be described as sniffling. 

'Where's it coming from?' 

It seemed like the blond could read her thoughts as all the images faded away and the sight of a little spiky blond-haired boy was sitting on the ground and crying. She took a few steps towards the boy to really understand what was going on.

'Is this...' 

"Kacchan?" she asked. 

The little boy heard her gentle voice and looked up and made direct eye contact with him as tears were in his eyes. 

'It is Kacchan, but why's he like this?' 

"I-I... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" the little boy cried.

'Hm? Why's he apologizing?' she thought as she knelt down in front of the boy. 

"What happened?" she asked. 

"I... I hurt her!" 

"Who? Who did you hurt?" Izuku asked. 

"Deku! I hurt Deku! I just wanted to be better than her, but I hurt her instead! And then I kept hurting her and I-... I-I didn't mean to! I just wanted to try and get close to her, but all I did was make her want to stay away from me!" he cried. 

Izuku couldn't believe what she was hearing, not once did she ever have the thought that she wanted to stay away from him once in her life. 

'Is this... what Kacchan was afraid of? Hm?' Her question was easily answered when an image appeared over the little boy's head and the sight of herself getting pulled or dragged away from him was seen. 'Kacchan's... biggest fear... was losing me?'

"I don't wanna lose her!" he cried. 


"I love her... I love her so much that I don't wanna see her leave me! I don't wanna hurt her, I don't wanna lose her, I just wanna protect her!" he cried. 

Finally she understood everything, the reason why he was distancing himself from her, how he was ignoring her and claiming what he was dealing with wasn't bad and how he wanted to deal with this alone. He didn't want to lose her, so he thought that if he stayed away from her, then he wouldn't lose her. 

'He was thinking about me... He was always thinking about me and I thought that he didn't care about me. This was all a misunderstanding on my part from the start.' she thought. 

She tried to think of something that she could do to help the little boy not think this way, and while trying to think, her cat ears poofed. 

'Ack! My cat ears are out- wait- that's it!'

As little Katsuki remained crying and not paying attention to anything around him, he suddenly heard; Meow

He moved his hands off his face and looked in front of him to see that the greenette was gone and a Dark Green fluffy cat was sitting in front of him. He stared at the cat and his tears slowly stopped as he knew who he was staring at. 

"De... ku?" he asked and the cat meowed again. 

She trotted up to him and started licking his tears off his cheeks which caused him to start laughing. 

"It is you! But I thought... I thought you didn't wanna see me?" he asked. 

'Oh Kacchan, of course I wanna see you.' she thought. She walked into his lap and started rubbing her head against his chest.

So many emotions were going through the little blond, but just hearing the cat purr in his lap made all his worries fade into nothing and he grabbed the cat and hugged it tightly. 

"I don't wanna lose you, Deku. I'm so sorry I hurt you." he said as he squeezed her. 

Izuku lifted her little cat head and made her nose boop his nose and then meowed at him. 

"I don't wanna lose you either, Kacchan, and I'm sorry if I hurt you." she meowed as she cooned into the nape of his neck. Katsuki laughed a little at the cat's cuteness and hugged her again. 

And thus the never-ending nightmares were nothing but a distant thought of no more.

As she opened her eyes, the Emerald Green glow vanished and both Emra and Izuku lost their balance and fell to the ground. 

Izuku landed onto the side of the bed while Emra was caught by Takashi just in time and both appeared physically drained from what they just went through. 

"Did it work?" Izuku asked. 

Takashi looked at the sleeping blond and watched as his eyes began to slowly open. 

"De... ku?" Katsuki muttered, and Izuku jumped to her feet to look at him. 


"Looks like whatever Izuku did, pulled off." Takashi noted. 

"Remind me not to do anything like that again anytime soon." Emra sighed as she was the one that used a lot of her energy just to do this.

"Looks like he still needs to break his fever, but since he's conscious again, you can at least take him back home with you." Takashi explained. 

"Mn. Thank you Takashi, Emra. Oh yeah, what happened to Amy? Though she appeared in my consciousness and Kacchan's, does that mean she's somewhere near?" Izuku asked. 

"No need to worry, Cole called me a few minutes ago and found Amy. Apparently she disguised herself as a hero at Katsuki's agency and came into close contact with him which caused her to use her quirk on him and this was the outcome. Cole will be taking Amy back so you don't need to worry about her attacking either of you again." Emra answered. 

"Oh, but wait- wouldn't that be bad for Cole if he has Amy around?" 

"No, actually Cole can handle it." 


"Amy one time used her quirk on Cole and it only backfired on her because Cole doesn't get nightmares." Emra noted. 

"A-Ah- Got it." 

"And on that note, We'll help you take Katsuki home for now." Takashi added. 

"Thanks, looks like it's my turn to watch Kacchan this time." 

"Let's hope this is the last time something like this happens." 

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

Kind of a sweet chapter to resolve this little arc, and I absolutely got inspired by a specific scene in the recent Pixar movie; Turning Red. 

Gonna post 1 more chapter later today!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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