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It has been 2 weeks since the beating, Peter was back to school a few days after. Luckily he healed quickly with his spider abilities, the only problem we had was how to explain the the avengers how Peter healed so fast (they still don't knows about his superhero thing, gods know how he did it). So we made a very convincing lie...

Peter is now known as the only human who can drink nectar or as the avengers call it 'some sort of liquid what looks like liquid gold but smells like cookies or mom's spaghetti'. Luckily they didn't want to try it or else we would have a little problem.

Further is everything alright, Flash is leaving Peter alone and if he even comes close Wade and I send him our best death stare. Which is pretty scary, if Wade isn't seeing how much marshmallows can fit in his mouth.

I'm currently calling with Annabeth, who is asking alot about Bruce.

'Could you ask if he would want to sign a copy of his book?! Ohh, my siblings would be soooo jealous!'

'I can ask, But I can't guarantee anything, Bruce doesn't really like attention'

'Thank you! Thank you!' Annabeth says grateful.

'Alright, but I gotta go now. Bruce wanted to see if my weight has gone up'

After I hung up I walk to the medbay, when I arrive I see Bruce already waiting.

'hey' I greet.

'hello Nico. If you would remove your shoes? that would be perfect' Bruce says.

After I removed my shoes I go stand on the scale.

'94,8. Nice it is still a little bit underweight, but it's gone up'

I just nod. 'Hey, do you have your book about gamma radiation laying around here?'

'I think it's here somewhere. why do you ask?' Bruce says waving towards the table.

'my friend Annabeth is a fan of your work' i say rummaging through the mess on the table.


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