2 When i met the greatest heroes ever

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2 hours later stepped Nico out the train, looking for someone 'Ah σκατό i don't even know who i'm looking for.' he thought.

Right when Nico was giving up on finding his uncle, a man with a cap and sunglasses on (the typical marvel disguise) approached him.

'Nico di Angelo?' the man asked. 'Yep, you are my uncle?' the boy replied. 'Correct, i'm Steve Rogers. Nice to meet you' the guy which apperantly is named Steve says. 'you ready to go?'


The car ride was in silince, Steve was driving and Nico was staring outside. 'We're here.'
Nico snaps out of his daydreaming at the sudden sound. He looked outside, they were at some huge tower with an A up front. Steve was already out the car so Nico also got out.
The two walked in the tower and got in to the lift 'hello Jarvis floor 15 please' said Steve.
'Of course Captain the others are in the livingroom' spook the ceiling.


When we got in the lift i could see Nico physically tense. Maybe he has claustrophobia or is afraid of elevators. I shrug.


When we got in the elavator i try my best to make my reaction so invisible as possible. But notice the weird look from Steve.

Ever since i've been stuck in that jar and since tatarus i've been afraid of tight spaces and elevators. So i would prefer the stairs.

When we arrive at the 15th floor was there chaos. There were people screaming everywere, a red haired woman was yelling at a short man who apperantly blew something up. There were also two guys screaming at the tv, a man with a metal arm and a younger boy with a bowl of popcorn. There was also a girl with red hair who was letting thing flow in the air with her hands. There was also a man climing in the vents. A strange occurrence was the man peacefully reading.

'HEY! Shut up!' yells Steve.

Silence, how nice.
Not for long but still a little silence.

Right when Steve was gonna speak everybody starts talking again...

'Who's that?'
'What is he doing here?'
'Is he good at arcery?'
'Where did you find him?'

Yells Steve again, 'this is Nico, he's my nephew. And he's going to live here.'

I wave akwardly.

'How old is he?'
'I thought he was dead?'
'Yesss, another teenager'

'Quiet! I'm gonna explain everything.' says my uncle.

A very long explaintion later,( without the demigod part because no one knows about it including Steve), and because someone woudn't stop asking questions *cough cough guy who blew something up*

'Fine, let me introduce you to everyone, that's Tony, Natasha, Bucky, Pietro, Wanda, Bruce, Clint and Thor, Stephen and peter but they're not here at the moment.' finished Steve.

'Ofcource he heard of us' said a arrogant Tony.

'Actually i have no idea who you are. You guys famous or something?' i said a little annoyed.

'You really have no idea who we are, do you?' aksed Tony disconposed.

'You'd think the confused look and blank stare would have answered that for you.' i answered sarcastic.

'Have you've been living under a stone?! We saved the world Like a hunderd times!' the short man shouted.

'So have we' mumble I.

What, did you say?' asks Natasha curious.

'Nothing. So who are you?'

We're the Avengers. Superheroes 'greatest heroes ever', blablabla, ' answers Steve, 'now, should i show you your room or are you gonna stand there all day.'



we got a simple room for Nico, across the hall from Bucky and mine, big with white walls, a kingsize bed, just normal stuff for a bedroom. His bathroom is connected to his room there Natasha chose black with silver.

When i open the door for Nico, his face becomes one and all wonder. 'It's pretty big, but also very very white.' he says with a hint of disgust. 'You may chose to paint your own walls, it's eventually your room.' i laugh a little.

Nico was getting settled in his room, and i go join the rest of the group in the livingroom.


Steve and i walk through the hall and stop in front a white door. He opens the door and steps inside, when i follow i am amazed at the space there is, it's almost an entired floor itself. It's also really white, i need to do something about that.

'It's pretty big but also very very white' i say while trying to sound not too bothered by it.

You may chose to paint your own walls, it's eventually your room.' He laughs.

When Steve was gone, i started to unpack. First thing i did was putting my sword on the nightstand.
I didn't bring alot, first of i didn't have very much, second i did not plan on staying long.

Since i'm ready with unpacking, i'm now on my way back to the living room. While walking back i feel my phone (Leo made for everybody a monsterproof phone) vibrate in my backpocket.When i look at it i see that Will is calling,

'Hey sunshine'

'Hi Death Boy, how are you?'

'It's alright, my uncle, Steve is oké'

'That's good to hear and you know it right, when there is something you call me.'

'I know'

'So how's new york city so far?'

'I didn't see much of it, but the tower i'm staying at is gigantic. Same for my room, and there is a voice in the walls.'

'That sound amazing, but a voice in the walls? Sound kinda weird.'

'Eh, they're kinda nice'

'I'm really sorry but i need to go, there are some campers injurted. See you soon! bye'

'Bye Will'

And he hang up. 'Dam i miss him' i think while walking slowly further. When i arrive at the living room is nobody there, so i walk into the kitchen where i find the 'Avengers' sitting at the table with food infront of them, and a teenager sitting next to Clint.

Right when i wanted to plop into the chair next to Steve, the teenager speaks up, 'hi i'm Peter Parker and you are?'

'Nico' i answer short.

'Nice tot meet you, i'm actually an intern by mr. Stark. Well his personal intern. Why are you here? I'm currently living here. But only 'cause my aunt is in China for a few weeks. How old are you? And where do you go go school? You don't have to answer if you don't want, i know i'm sometimes a little to enthusiastic. Oké i'm just gonna stop now.' rambles Peter.

'He's my nephew.' says Steve before i can say anything. 'He's 16'

'And doesn't go to school' i speak up.

'You don't go to school?' asks Bruce surprised.

'No, i learn everything i need at camp and it's summervacation anyway.'

'Fine but if you're gonna stay longer we need you to go to school.' Bruce says

'We'll see about that' i think.

'Let's eat, shall we?' Clint finally says.


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