5 i'm half dead and there are cookies

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After a few days at Avengers tower i'm kinda used to everything. Like Clint is always in the vents, Natasha is the scaryest and Tony is sometimes (a lot) for days in his little lab.

I almost forgot about the the medical exam. Almost.

'My husband is finally back, bitches!' i hear Tony yell and not long after 'language!' from Steve.

'Hey Nico, you ready for the exam?' Wanda asks while walking in my room.

I slowly nod my head. I'm so not ready.

Together we walk to Bruce's lab. There are Bruce and some wizard with a cloak waiting.

'Hello you must be Nico, i'm Stephen Strange' the wizard says.

I nod 'nice to meet you'

'So, let's begin, shall we?'

'Nico would you stand on the scale?' Bruce asks 'Thanks'

'Oh shit, Nico. You are way underweight' Bruce exclaimed.

'Yeah' i say akward.

'Okay let's get going' says Stephen breaking the short silence, while scibbling on his notebook. 'Blood pressure'

Stephen put the blood pressure thing on my right arm, and then i started to blow up. 'What is it doing?' i ask a little panicked.

'Oh, don't worry it need to blow up for it to work. The pressure will get less tight in a minute' Bruce says reasurring.


'I think it's broken' added Stephen 'or your pressure is 90/50 and your heartrate is 50. Which is way to low.'

'I think that that's about right' i say 'my blood pressure and heartrate are always low.' 'Cus i'm always half dead.

'Oké...' i see that both docters believe nothing from what i'm saying.

'Let's go further with some questions' Bruce says. 'Do you know if you have known conditions'

'Yep, ADHD, dyslexia and PTSD' i say a little hesitant. 'No, i don't wanna talk about it' follows direct.

'Oké, that is fine' Stephen answers while writing on his notebook. 'We also would like to examine a blood sample, is that alright?'

'Sure' i say still not really comfortable. 'Could you roll your sleeve up?' I nod and pull the sleeve of my sweater up.

'Oké, i'm going to draw 3 bottles of blood, so you might feel a little pinch' Stephen says while drawing a needle.

Oké breath, Will has done this so many times. What could go wrong?

When i open my eyes again here are 3 little bottles of blood next to me on the table and Stephen is putting a little band-aid on my arm.

'I would also like to have a listen to your heart.' Bruce says.


'Could you take of your sweater then, please?' He asks with a reasurring smile.

No. Never in a million years.

'Sure' i falter out. 'Please don't comment anything' and i take my sweater off.

3th person

Scars, there were scars everywhere, sure both docters saw the scars on his arm, but that his whole body was littered in scars was not their first thought.

'Oh.' Was all Banner could think of.

After a long silence Nico speaks up 'Could you listen to my heart now?' Please.

'Uhhm' Bruce was still to stunned to speak but still brought the stethoscope to the boy's chest.

'The machine is right you have a very slow heartrate, but further no concerns' the docter says.

After a few little tests, like checking Nico's hearing, sight, ect. And some more questions they walk back to the livingroom where Steve, Natasha and Wanda are sitting, Pierto is running in circels around the floor and from the kitchen is coming the smell of freshly baked cookies.

'Who wants some cookies!' Bucky inquired.

'Oh, cookies!' Was heard from the vents, and within a minute Clint was standing in the kitchen.

And a few seconds later the other avengers and Nico were gathered in the kitchen.

'Ooh, delicious' was said by Natasha and 'mmh' by the rest and Clint who was shoving three in his mouth.

'The taste amazing, as always, love' Steve says.

'Thank you, you dork' was Bucky's respond.

The rest of the day where filled with cookies and watching old movies.


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