17 John the security guard

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After roaming the Avengers floor for a bit I decided to go a few floors lower, cause there is literally nobody present. Tony, Bruce and Stephen are with Peter, and the rest is gods know where. Maybe they are on one of their  superhero missions. Boring.

So I decided to go a few floors lower, and when I get trough the first floors there are no people nowhere. Strange. Hehe. Puns. There are people working here, right?

After walking some more stairs down I finally see some life forms.... a completely empty floor with one singular plant.

Great. I thought Avengers tower had employees.

After walking one more floor down I finally see a human. It a buff man who looks like he belongs with security.

'Hey, you!' He yells.

I answer 'Yeah?' Seeing as I'm the ony here.

'What are you doing here?! You are not allowed in the building. How did you even get past the security?!' He says grabbing my arm. 'Let's go.'

'Where are we going?' I ask confused too stunned to fight back.

'You'll see.'


After we got in the elevator I try to pry for answers, but John (I've decided to name him) won't answer.

When we arrive at the reception i recognise Lily sitting behind the desk.

'Hey John and... Nico?' She greets John who's  name i guessed right. I'm amazing at naming people. 'What are you doing here?'

'Oh, I'm' I start.

'I've found him in the building intruding' John says accusing, interuppting me.

'Strange, I could've thought I lived here' I say sarcastic.

'You don't live here, your not a hero' John says dismissive.

I roll my eyes. Pfff sure, if that's what you wanna believe.

'Now, Nico... what where your really doing here?' He says with a sneer.

'Well, John, I was exploring my home' I say back.

This all happend while Lily was just watching with a confused look on her face. I wonder what she is doing here, she used to work in Rhodes Island.

Suddenly i hear someone running towards us.


And Tony comes racing around the corner, and stops suddely when he sees us standing.

'There you are! I've been looking for you' he says out of breath.

'Mr. Stark, you now him?!' John asks confused.

'Yeah, Nico lives with me' Tony explains equally confused, while I'm just standing there with a smug look. 'Why?'

'Oh, uhmm..' stutters the security guard.

Well I shall help him, being the helpful old man I am.

'John here, mistook me for an intruder and wouldn't believe me when I told him I live here' I explain.

'Aha...' Tony says. 'You will hear from me, John.' And with a nod in the direction of Lily Tony walks away.

I smile at Lily and walk after Tony.



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