6 meeting gods (again)

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After Nico, Peter, Wanda and Pierto went to bed after we all watched Grease, the last film for the night, Banner and Strange began talking about the medical exam from earlier. 'Nico is way underweight and has a very low bloodpressure and heartrate. Furthermore is his whole body littered in scars, which seems mostly from a knife of something other sharp.' Strange begins.

'There is also something wrong with his blood, it shows no diseases, which is good but half his DNA is missing.' Bruce adds.

'Oké, so is he some kind of fucking alien? Or what?' Tony asks sarcastic.

'That could be a possibility' Stephen says answers his moody husband.

'Maybe we should ask him tomorrow morning, there is most likely a very good reason for all this.' I say questionable.

'You're probably right' says Natasha but i can see that she doesn't believe it.

'Oké, i'm going to bed' Bucky says while looking at me. 'Yeah, i'm also going' I stated.




When I wake up the next morning after another nightmare, i have a strange feeling that something bad is going to happen. While i get dressed ,black ripped skinny jeans and a t-shirt, they know anyways about my scars and it't hot outside, i shrug the strange feeling away.

I then go to the bathroom and get ready.

After i'm ready it is already 6 o'clock and i walk the kitchen in. There is Steve making breakfast, 'hey' I great.

I think i startled him cause he jumps and points his wisk at me 'Oh, hey Nico. I didn't hear you' he says while lowering his deadly weapon. 'You are up early, I thought that teenagers always slept in.'

'I would, but i had another nightmare' I shrug.

'Oh, i'm sorry 'bout that' Steve says. 'You wanna help with breakfast?'


After Steve and i finish breakfast the first avengers come in, after everybody is seated at the table we start eating.

I only take some pancakes, but I see that the rest their plate full scoop.

'Oh, i almost forget but Thor is coming back today and told that he is bringing a surprise along.' Natasha says. The name Thor sounds oddly familiar.

'Oké' was heard from almost everyone before returing to their previous conversations. I didn't feel like talking.

After breakfast Steve and Wanda clean the dishes and the rest of us go to the livingroom.


While we are watching some cartoon about a sponge that Clint put on, there is thunder outside and not a moment later here are a blond man with an hammer and a blackhaired younger man standing in the livingroom.

'Hello teammates, i have returned!' Boomed the blond man who looks really familiar.

'Hello Thor, you don't have to scream we can all hear you perfectly fine.' Tony says.

'What is the surprise you brought?' Pierto asks.

'This! My brother Loki!' Almost yelling said Thor while pointing at the black-head.

'Awh, hell no!' Tony yelled. 'He tried to kill us all'

'But he didn't mean to' Thor apologies.

And for the next 10 minutes all the avengers were trying to argue with Thor about Loki staying at the tower. While the Avengers were arguing i spook with Loki,

'Hi' I begun.

'Hello mortal' Loki answers.

Actually i'm not completely mortal, but alright. 'You seem familiar, have we met before?'

'I don't think so' the god answers.

'Mmh no, i'm sure we met before'

'And i'm sure we did not'

'Fine, do you maybe have a sister around here?'

'In fact i do have a sister but i'm sure she did not come to earth.'

'Well in that case. I'm Nico, di Angelo'

'Loki, Laufeyson, Odinson, prince of asgard and god of mischief.'

'Ha, i knew we met before!'

'Fine, hello again Nico' Loki defeated.

'You seem different'

'That is because i'm a man at this moment'

'Oh yeah, your genderfluid' I remember. I've met Loki when I was on the run and we hit it off immediately he was then presenting female and explained the concept of genderfluid. 'Let me know when it changes so i can use the right pronouns.'

'I will' smiles the god.

'So what are you doing back on earth? I thought you needed to go back to asgard?'

'I did, but i'm banned from asgard at the moment'


After our little chitchat i notice that the avengers stopped fighting and were now wachting Loki and me have another conversation about knifes.

'So i think i prefer a shorter knife, because you can surprise someone more by suddenly stabbing them....' loki says with a grin

'I totally agree but, if you could wait a minute Loki,' and I turn towards the avengers. 'What's wrong?!' I ask confused.

'You're talking to a god who, remind me, tried to take over the world, like it's nothing!?!' Tony said.

'Yea' I simply admit. 'But he was mindcontrolled'

'How do you even know him' Steve asks.

'Oh. I met him a few years ago when i was...' a runaway 'walking in the city. I run into Loki and we had alot of... shared hobby's so we talked a bit.' I tried to make a believable story.

'Mmh' hums Natasha, but you can see that she doesn't believe it.

To be true i met Loki when I was under atack of a monster and they helped me with a little magic. Afterwards we got some coffee and talked a bit. Turns out we do have shared hobby's we both like knifes and reading. And you have the monster attacks.

'So Loki is staying?' I ask.



The yes from Thor, Bucky, Steve, Peter, Pierto and Wanda, and the no from the rest of the Avengers.

After some silence Tony spoke, 'Fine' the avengers looked shocked. Tony speaks further. 'He can stay, but if he even tries to do anything...'

'Yes!' I say enthousiast.

'Ah! Nico i've heard great things about you and your family!' Thor finally recognised me.

'Hey Thor' i great back.

'Wait you know Thor and Loki but have never heared of the Avengers?!' Tony asks astounded.

'Yep, kinda'

Rick announced the actor who will play Percy  in the upcoming serie on Disney+! The actor who will play Percy is Walker Scobell from the adams project. 🥳🥳🥳

Nico di Angelo and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now