15 Mr. Bully

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Tw: bulling and swearing.


The summer vacation was almost finished and i was still living with the avengers. There didn't happened a lot of strange thing, not counting the monster attacks who happened increasingly more. And the weird things Peter, Wanda and Pietro did sometimes. Like shouting 'how did you defeated captain America' and the other two would answer in a horrible German accent 'we shot him in the leg, cause his shield is the size of a dinner plate'.

Will was staying at the tower a little while longer than intended. Not that I was complaining, but we've got 153 messages from camp. They want their head-healer back. So today he needed to go back.

'You need to eat more'


'And don't forget to call'

'I won't'

'Here, i got some more ambrosia and nectar'

'Love you too' I kiss Will goodbye before he dissapears with Mrs. O'Leary.

when I walk back to the living room from my bedroom, Steve is sitting with a stern face on the couch. Oh gods, here we go.

'hey' i greet, walking towards the couch to sit down.

'hello Nico. I wanted to talk to you.' Steve says.

'oké. 'Bout what?' I say, now sitting on the couch.

'I think you need to go to school.'


'But I've seen you file, you got like a few months of school in your entire live. And that was by a military school.'

After a few hours and the rest of the avengers plus Peter and concert tickets from MCR involved. I finally gave in and agreed to go to Midtown High School, together with Peter.

We are both 16 and start in 11th grade/junior year. (Please tell if this is correct. I'm not American, so i have no idea about the schooling-system. I just googled it.) Peter later told me that Wade is also in our class. He is one year older but has held back one year, because he never attended the classes. Not that he does now, but he shows sometimes up because of Peter.

So that following Monday I needed to go school.



What... I'm up, I'm up!' I can just say before Peter empties a bucket filled with cold water above my head.

'Nice.' I say sarcastic, now soaking wet.

'Sorry, I couldn't wake you up. I've been trying for like 20 minutes.' Apologises Peter. 'School starts in 30 minutes, so you might wanna get ready'

'Fine' I say rolling my eyes and standing up. 'Now out!'

After Peter left, I took a quick shower to warm up and got dressed. It was still hot outside but I don't want any extra attention, so I picked out a black shirt with long sleeves and ripped black pants.

I meet Peter in the kitchen, where he's stuffing food in his mouth.


'Peter just kinda waves to greet me, after he swallows he says, 'you ready to go?'

'Yep' I say and grab an apple.

Happy would bring us to school.


The first day of school started well. Note the sarcasm.

First we were late for English, because some lady at the front desk wouldn't give me my schedule. She needed to call the principal to confirm that I now go to school here and, am in fact not a gang member who wanted to shoot down some students who might cure cancer. I know i look not like a nerd, but a gang member? Really?

And our English teacher, Mrs. Goldfish, didn't really like Peter. So she threatened us with detention. When she finally decided that we were allowed to sit down, Wade came in and what followed was another lecture for about 15 minutes. 'you can't come to class whenever you please, bla bla bla' The rest from her babbling i kinda ignored.

So that was great.

The following 2 classes were oké, history and physics, there happened nothing special. Except maybe that some guy set his arm on fire..... in history.

Then there was break, Peter and i sat together with MJ and Ned, they where nice i guess, and then we had science by Mr. Harrington.

He was okay, we just got to do some experiments.

Then there was another break, this is where the excited stuff happend.

It started normal, we walked back to the cafetaria and sat with Ned and MJ again.

We talked a bit before i saw Peter freeze. When I turned around i see some boy, who looked like 'daddy pays for everything' and 'nobody can touch me I'm so tough' had a baby, walk straight towards our table.

'Hey penis Parker!' Oh great, a bully, what a nice surprise.

The bully has arrived at our table and decided to squeeze himself between Ned and Peter, who both looked like they wanted to throw up. And MJ who looked like she wanted to murder him.

So, petey. Where is your boyfriend? It's such a shame he isn't here to protect you.' Then Mr. Bully turn to me, 'I see you found another fag for your club'

I just look up and give him one of my smaller glares, which is apparently good enough to scare him away, because he pales and turns to Peter.

'I'll see you again and then you won't get away so easily' and with that he stands up and walks back to his goons.

'Nice guy...' I say.

'Oh shut up, that idiot is Flash. He's been picking on Peter for years' MJ says not looking up from her book. 'We reported him multiple times but his daddy is "almighty" so he gets away everytime'

'Mmhp, which parents name their child "Flash"' I say with disguise.

'His real name is Eugene, but everybody calls him Flash' Ned says.

'Like that's better' I say now picking in my food. What even is this, potatoes or something?

At that moment Wade comes skipping at our table and sits down.

'Where have you been?' Peter asks.

'Mrs. Goldfish wanted to talk to me, she held me captive in the hallway' Wade answers dramatically. 'And now I need to stay after school to help her, do whatever she needs to do.'

'Poor you. Maybe you shouldn't have been late for her class' Peter says.

'I couldn't help it, her classes are always soooo boringggg' Wade complains.


We had one lesson left for today and that was economics. Yippie.

I almost fell asleep multiple times, if it wasn't for Peter shaking me.

When the bell rang we packed our things and walked towards the exit, and said goodbye to Wade, who had detention. And Ned and MJ who were going home.
And Peter declared that he needed to go the restroom.

I promised I wait by the exit, which was not a good idea.

School started again. Jee.
I still don't go to school completely, because my health isn't working great. Next week I have some appointments at the hospital, then i hopefully will be hospitalised in the rehabilitation center.
There i will talk to a psychologist and work with a physiotherapist and some more people so i can function normally again. I will be home in the weekends and probably start going to school at the rehabilitation center.

I will try to update regularly but that might not work.

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