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Doc: Raven you're in labor (checking her out)

Raven: huh ? We still got a month to go

Doc: well these little beauties are ready to come out, you're dilated (smiles)

Raven: oh no, I gotta call Santana he's at work

Doc: okay go head and do that, I'm gonna get the staff ready to take you up to delivery

Raven pov: I could not believe they were coming early. I grabbed my phone and called Santana. I knew he had a business meeting but I really hope he answers.

Santana:excuse me everyone (steps out and answers) hey baby I'm in the meeting, everything okay?

Raven: I'm in labor, they're about to take me up to the delivery floor

Santana: huh! You for real?

Raven: yep doc says I'm dilating

Santana: okay, I'm coming I'll be right there

Raven: okay

Santana pov: I quickly told everyone I had to leave and then made my way to my car. I was trying to get there as soon as I could. The next thing I know there was a boom.

Raven pov: they had took me upstairs and got me prepped for delivery. I called Gigi after I got off the phone with Tana. She worked close to the hospital so she came quickly.

Raven: ugh where is he ?

Gianna: relax he's gonna be here

Paramedic: you're gonna be okay, we're getting you to the hospital right now

Santana: m-my wi-wife. I go-gotta get to her ( gasping for air )

Paramedic: right now we gotta focus on you ( putting the oxygen mask on him)

Doc: walking into the room) you're dilated to 5 cm now, any word on Santana

Raven:(crying) he's not answering, I feel like something is wrong

Doc: maybe he just got tied up . Try not to panic

Raven pov: I had Gigi trying to call Santana and he was not picking up. This wasn't like him at all.

30 minutes later:

Nurse: um Raven, there are officers here to speak with you

Raven: officers? Let them in I guess

Nurse; ( opens the door)you guys can come in now

Officer:( walks in) hello Mrs. Parker, I am officer. Jones and this is my partner officer. Oshay. We have some news about your husband Santana

Raven: please don't tell me he was arrested

Officer: he was involved in a crash

Raven; what!? Where is he ?

Officer2: he's down in emergency the doctors will come see you.

Raven: was it bad? Was the crash his fault?

Officer: no it wasn't his fault a truck ran the light. It wasn't extremely bad.

Raven pov: I knew something was wrong. The hours went by and eventually I had to deliver with out him and I was so sad about that. His doctor came in and said he had to have surgery on his back because it was broken .I just wanted to be by his side.

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