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Serenity: so how you been brother ?

Santana: I'm alright, just been working a lot. I'm giving Kingston the shop to run while I focus more on the program

Serenity: how's the program goin?

Santana: I've been having multiple people signing up. I'm going to break it into two groups where I can have one session one day and the other the next day cause I have over 150 boys now

Serenity: wow that is amazing, how's Ray been?

Santana: she good, she was actually going to ask you to come speak to the girls in her program

Serenity; oh really, when ? I don't mind

Santana: I don't know you would have to ask her

Serenity: ok, so I seen the post, you're finally getting your baby girls (smiles) how does it feel?

Santana: feels amazing, we've been wanting a girl for so long and now we got two. It's a blessing

Serenity: I am so happy for y'all

Santana: thank you

Paris:( coming into the kitchen) uncle Tana

Santana: yes baby ?

Paris: can you sign my permission slip?(handing it to him)

Santana:( reading it ) going to the zoo again?(signing it)

Paris: mhm last time we got rained on remember

Santana: oh right(hands it back to her ) make sure you put it up

Paris: okay (skips away)

(Raven walks in)

Raven: hey serenity

Serenity: hey girl

Santana: how was work? You back early

Raven; i had a cancellation

Santana: you tired?

Raven:( nods) mhm and my feet hurt. I'm bout to go get ready for bed

Santana: you not gone eat?

Raven: no

(Raven goes up stairs)

30 minutes later:

Santana pov: my sister had just left so I went upstairs to check on bae. I went in the room and she was laying in bed with Royal and Seven sleep beside her. I knew she was exhausted cause she didn't sleep too good last night.

Santana: how you feeling mamas?( sits next to her)

Raven: so tired, like I was with the boys.

Santana: you closed your books?

Raven: yeah, my assistants gone finish the rest of the month for me

Santana: what about the program?

Raven: I sent them all the link for the zoom meeting

Santana; you gotta take it easy, I don't want you getting sick like last time

Raven: I know, I promise I'm good

Santana:( lays next to her) you need me to stay home for a few days? I can cancel my trip

Raven: no baby, I'll be fine. You go ahead and go

Santana:( laughs) nope last time you told me to go. You were delivering right there on the floor. I'll just hold the meeting on zoom

Raven:(laughs) I didn't think I was gone deliver at that very moment

Santana: well just to be on the safe side, I won't go to Detroit.

Raven: well thank you pookie ( kisses him) I love you

Santana: I love you more

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