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Therapist: you're doing so good Raven! (Smiles)

Raven pov: today was my last therapy session saying at the hospital. I was being discharged soon as I got done with therapy and I was so excited. My therapist and doctors have me in a back brace to keep me stablized while I heal but I walking on my own with the help of a walker. I didn't think I would recover this quick but I am so happy. After the session all my nurses and doctors came and said their goodbyes. I signed my discharge papers and my nurse wheeled me to the car. Santana helped me in and put my bags in the back seat and we were on our way.

Santana: man I'm so glad to have you coming home (smiling hard) I missed you

Raven: I missed you too baby ! I can't wait to cuddle with you all night

Santana:you hungry? Cause ya mama made some good smelling breakfast this morning. She just dropped it off before I left.

Raven: oooh yess I been missing it.

Raven pov: Santana took me home and started taking good care of me. He helped me shower and change clothes, made sure I ate and took my meds and then helped me to the bed. 

Santana: so baby guess what I did while you were down ?

Raven: got your business started ?

Santana: kinda I did start researching but I couldn't do it without you but, I watched a few of your hair cutting tutorials and I knocked out all your male clients, I did real good to

Raven:(smiles) Omg you serious baby ? Lemme see how you did

Santana: shows her a video) my boy look nice don't he !

Raven: wow bae you did so good, I'm proud of you

Santana: thank you (looks at her )

Raven: what's wrong ? You're staring?

Santana: I can't believe you're home( sighs) I was losing my mind. I thought I was gone lose you

Raven:aww baby come here

Santana pov:man I wrapped my arms around Raven and started crying. Y'all don't understand how much she means to me.

Raven: kisses him) I love you so much and I appreciate you for being by my side the entire time. That means a lot to me (smiles and wipes his tears) stop crying please I'm alright now

Santana: if I would've lost you I don't know what I would've done

Raven: I'm not going no where baby trust me.( slowly lays down) come lay with me

Santana: climbs in the bed and wraps his arm around her waist) man it feels good holding you

Raven: yes it does I missed this...

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