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Kane: aww look at you ! Bout ready to pop lil girl (smiles and hugs Raven)

Raven:(laughs) yes, carrying one baby is one thing but two babies Omg

Gianna: you're carrying so well tho you look good !(smiles)

Raven:thank you bestie(hugs her)

Raven pov: the baby shower was so perfect and I was so happy to see everybody. We were having a good time dancing and playing games. It was a really good out come. I was real excited about the food. I was fucking it up it was so damn good and I was hungry. I was a little sad tho cause my brother and sister would've been so damn excited to be an auntie and uncle. Jamal would've went all out because I'm having boys.

R/d: hey honey(coming and sitting with her) you okay?

Raven: hey dad, I'm fine

R/d: you're missing them aren't you?

Raven:(sighs and nods) every single day. They would've been the best auntie and uncle

R/d: you brother and sister loved you so much. They didn't want to leave you but it's life baby. People come and go but they'll forever be in your heart and watching you from above ( pulls her into a hug) keep your head up baby

Raven: nods) okay

Santana pov: the baby shower turned out real good. We had a good time. Once it was over me, Kane and Kingston loaded up the car with all the gifts and went home. I can't wait til my sons get here imma be the best father ever.

Raven pov: once we got home I went and took a hot shower and got in bed. Carrying two babies is so draining and taking a toll on my body. But it will be over soon and I'll get to hold my babies and see their cute faces. Once bae finished his shower and got in bed I laid in his arm and fell asleep.

The next day:

Santana pov: I woke up because I heard bae throwing up. It must have been a rough morning for her. I got up and went into the bathroom to make sure she was good. Once she got finished she washed her hands and brushed her teeth. She looked extremely tired as well. She needs to rest, I'm getting worried about her .

Santana: you okay ?you want me to call Dr. Jackson?

Raven: shakes her head) no, imma just try and go back to sleep

Santana: you sure? You got me worried bae

Raven: I'll be okay, have a good day at work

Santana:uh uh I'm not going to work, I'm staying right here to make sure you good

Raven: baby I'm fine, go to work I'll call you if I need anything

Santana: No

Raven: Santana Deshawn Parker go to work !

Santana:(wrapping his arms around her waist ) mm who you yelling at ? ( kisses her cheek)

Raven: smirks) you, now go to work

Santana: imma go but if I get that gut feeling, I'm coming back

Raven: okay, I'm going back to bed

Santana: okay

(Raven goes and gets back in bed.)

Santana pov: I went and started the shower and got in. This pregnancy really taking a toll on Ray but she gone be okay. Imma just go to work make sure they straight there and then I'm coming home. I don't want to leave her at the house alone for a while since she ain't feeling good.

15 minutes later:

(Santana leans down and kisses Raven cheek)

Raven:(half way asleep) you leaving ?

Santana: mhm, I wont be gone long though, you try and rest okay

Raven: mhm, love you (pulling the cover on her )

Santana: I love you more

(Santana leaves)

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