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Santana pov: my mama and Jp left and it was just me, Raven, and my sister serenity sitting at the table in silence. The other day we talked things got pretty heated and I ain't have nothing to say to her honestly.

Serenity:(sighs) I'm sorry little bro. I tried to blame everything on you and it wasn't right. I just miss you and I know mama missed you. You been gone 9 years and it just hurt me. I never should've said you wouldn't be shit cause I see you're doing amazing in life and I'm so proud of you

Santana: I'm sorry too, should've never called you a crack head or said I hope you overdose. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy

Serenity: hug it out ?

Santana:(stands up ) come on bring it in

Serenity: damn boy you're tall (stands up and hugs him)

Raven pov: I'm happy Santana was able to make up with his sister and mama. I know it means a lot to him. After a while they say there catching up and laughing and taking pictures and stuff and I felt real outta place and honestly just wanted to go home. I've been somewhat battling depression since my brother was killed and I just don't know what to do. It's like everyone else's lives kept going on but mine stopped that day. I just wanna sleep .I slid on my shoes and grabbed my purse and then went into the living room to tell santana I was about to go.

Raven: Tana I'm bout to go

Santana: why? I thought you was gone spend the night with me?

Raven: I'm just not feeling like myself right now ( hugs him) I'll call you later, nice meeting you serenity

Serenity: you too Raven

(Raven starts walking to the door)

Santana:(frowns ) I'll be back sis ( gets up and goes to the door) best friend what's wrong?

Raven: Tana I gotta go (tearing up )

Santana: what's wrong ? Why you crying ?

Raven: I'm okay I promise I just wanna go home and sleep

Santana: uh uh, come talk to me ( walking her down the hall to his room and shuts the door )

Raven:(sits on the bed) tana I'm straight

Santana: you think I'm gonna believe that and you got tears in ya eyes. What's wrong ?

Raven:( tears roll down her cheeks)I'm depressed as hell Tana, I'm tired, I really am. I feel like everything is not going the way it should. I'm tryna be happy but I can't no more

Santana:sits next to her and pulls her into a hug) you miss your brother and it's bothering you isn't it ?

Raven: yes, I can't even bring myself to go to his grave. Every time I go on the porch I still see the blood stain and I get flashbacks. My parents act like everything is normal and it's not ! Why does everyone act like my brother didn't mean shit ? I was the only one who cared about him (breaking down ) and now he's gone and I can't bring him back. I couldn't save him!

Santana: (holding her tightly ) I know you feel like you could've did more but you couldn't. Everyone grieves different  so you may feel like everybody moves on but trust me they didnt. I don't want you holding these feelings in . You know I got ya back and anytime you need to talk just come to me. I don't care if I'm busy or not. I don't want you feeling like this.(wiping her face) I promise you imma help you through this alright

Raven: nods) Thank you

Santana: I'm not letting you leave upset like this so (takes her keys) imma hold on to these you finna lay down and relax

Raven: Tana gimme my keys

Santana: nope ( kisses her forehead) relax (walking out the room)

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