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Raven: Kingston make sure he's good okay? He not holding up well at all.

Kingston: I got you

Raven: both of y'all keep ya head up I know it's hard(hugs him)

Kingston: thank you Ray

Santana:(coming out the house and puts his bags in the trunk) ready king?

Kingston: yeah (walking to his side on the car)

Raven: (hugs santana) take it easy okay, call me when y'all land I wanna make sure y'all are okay

Santana: nods) I will ( kisses her ) I love you

Raven: I love you more

Santana pov: I felt so numb. Me and my mama ain't have the best relationship but that was still my mama at the end of the day. She got wit this Nigga a year ago and me and serenity and like him from the jump. He was controlling as fuck and we knew he was abusing our mama. We kept trying to get her to leave him and she kept going back and now look. He took her life. I swear he better had took his too cause if not I'm going to find him. Me and Kingston got to the airport and parked, then went inside and through security and stuff. Once we got on the plane everything was a blur.

Later that day:

Santana pov: man I just wanted my girl right now. I been crying non stop since we landed. I went to my sister house and she broke me even more because she was crying so bad. Then we went down to the morgue so I could see my mama's body. She had multiple stab wounds and the nigga had the nerve to shoot her in the head as well. The police tryna find him but I swear if I get my hands on him it's over. Me and Kingston had just got back to our hotel and I went up to my room to call Raven.

Raven:( answers ) hi pookie

Santana: hi baby, this shit so hard. (Starts crying) my mama ain't deserve that shit. He stabbed her 16 times , for what. Then shot her in the head and left her in that house to rot. Serenity said she been in that house for two days. Two whole days Ray

Raven: I am so sorry baby trust me I am. I know it hurts

Santana: Ray I need you here, please I can't deal wit this alone

Raven: me and the boys can't fly baby, you know I wanna be there wit you

Santana:(sighs) yeah I know

Raven: I'll figure something out okay baby I promise

Santana: alright, imma try and get some sleep, I love y'all

Raven: we love you too, please try and sleep if you can't just call me back

Santana: okay

Raven pov; my baby looked so sad. I gotta be with him. Luckily Gianna just got in town and was here. Maybe she can watch the twins for a few days while I go be with Tana .

Gianna: how he doing ?

Raven:(sighs) not good at all, my baby is distraught and I wanna be there wit him but the twins only a week old I can't take them on the plane and the drive is like a whole day

Gianna: I mean, we can make that drive. I can help watch the twins and stuff while we're there

Raven: you for real?

Gianna: girl yes, your man needs you and I know you wanna be there, get packed..

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