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Santana pov: we got her to the hospital in time and they were able to pump her stomach and cleaned her cuts and wrap them. I knew she was acting different these last few months but I don't know what drove her to this point. I wish she would've talked to me, maybe I could've prevented this. We been here like 6 hours now and she was finally starting to wake up.

Raven:(looking around ) Tana?

Santana:(sighs) hi baby

Raven: what am I doing here?

Santana: you tried to commit suicide, you slit your wrist and swallowed a bunch of pills. Why Raven ?

Raven: I'm tired Santana I really am. I've been going through so much these last few months

Santana: I'm your husband, you're supposed to confine in me. We supposed to work through our problems together but instead you been pushing me away.

Raven: sighs) I know Santana

Santana: why did you do it ? What could've been so bad that you wanted to kill yourself? Am I not a good husband ? Work stressing you out ? What is it baby?

Raven: a few weeks after the situation with Bryan and his sister and you kept asking was I pregnant I went to the doctor and found out that I was 8 weeks along. I was gonna surprise you, but then I miscarried and they didn't know why.( starts crying) and i didn't want to tell you because I knew how much you wanted another baby and I didn't want you to be upset with me

Santana: (shocked)you Lost the baby?

Raven:(nods) yeah, I'm sorry Santana I really am

Santana: you should've told me bae, we could've went through that together. I don't ever want you to feel like you gotta battle stuff alone(wipes her tears) we can always try again. Don't blame yourself. I most definitely don't want you tryna harm yourself again. Do you know how hurt I was to see you like that ?

Raven:nods) I'm sorry I promise I won't do it again

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