A Rare Pearl|Philip's Kind|1

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Here you go
I rarely got Request  that I know off
So yi ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I decided to continue! Though the COVID will have to skip or I'll put it in a one and final chapter of it.

Sorry for the late update
I may have change some things bc I can't remember it


It has been many years / 2 or 3 /
Phil has lived a much more comfortable life than he used too.

He thanks Spain and will always give him gifts to show his gratefulness though Spain will always recycle them and give them as gifts back to Philip cause Philip being there is already a gift to him.

Spain has been trouble with the kingdom and all, his father has been guiding him to rule over the kingdom along with the brothers for he is almost of aged. And his hunting days will be over. He can't let that go for it is the reason he meet Phil.

A new blossom does start forming in the midst of the season. Autumn started and Spain can't help but admire that his little fella running around the fallen leaves like a child.

'He changed soo much'

Phil did changed. His a lot more carefree unlike before that he'll even decline food no matter how hungry he has become.

“Spain, Yahoo.. Brother, you're staring again” Mexico scooted next to the bench and gave him a snack to which Spain accepted. “How long are you going to wait?”

Spain reddened, knowing this conversation will go there.

“I'm not- so sure.. Maybe another more year”

“My goodness, Spain. Just look at him!”

Spain flinch and did look at the smiling Philip waving at them. Mexico held a smile seeing the pearl and then made a disgusted noise when he saw Spain Having literal hearts circling his head.

He smack em at the back of his head-
Spain ain't even bothered Mexico did that.

Then, a sudden guard March up to them full in panick. “Your Highness, this is bad. The towns been complaining about a missing cause. Many people have been mysteriously Dissapearing, especially at night” Spain nodded and the guard left.

He took Mexico and started having thinking but then remembers Phil is still I the garden. He hurriedly rush to where he is and found Philip just hopping along the forest.

He panick and decided to chased after him.


Despite his shout. Phil didn't turn around. 
They're sliding down and Phil started having cuts and bruises from the leaves or stones that's his sliding downto.

“Phil? Wake up!” Spain noticed Phil unresponsive. Phil doesn't do that and he never seen him be so out of control

Phil safely landed on the ground with Spain following yet landing in a soft pile of grass.

Phil's eyes started shimmering but Dissapearing from a single blink. “Spain?”

He groan trying to lift himself up but Phil help him up. “What was that?” he questioned

Phil smiled, “My brother's here”

“Your brother is what-”

“My brothers here! ”

Spain panick, giving himself slow breath to calm himself down. He look over to find Phil happily spinning around or kicking leaves then happily hugging Spain.

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