Move Forward

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«This is my first time writing scenes likes this so hope you enjoy (´ . .̫ . ')”


This story started in an stormy Weather, around a Broken Building. Abandoned but full of Broken minds. The Trio....well.... The Three steadily sneak in to rescue the people trap inside, as requested by ASEAN to help them.

After putting 3 random guards to sleep. They use their clothes and begun acting like one of them. Of course they have hidden the body, they didn't directly throw them at the ocean while they are asleep-
No seryously, they just hidden them in a nearby forest.

“Hey you three, come here”

The Three all look at each other then nooded, following the person who's wearing a black jacket, white t-shirt, pants and shoes. Of course that's what he would be wearing but the author doesn't know how to describe other kinds of clothing material other than that.

The Three found themselves directly to where the hostages are and they found..a girl? Why is it only one? What's so special about a random girl? Well nevermind that now, a Mission is a mission. No question needed.

“Remind me why we have to look after this Girl again will ya?”

Indo made a very good Impression of a voice that ain't his. Looks like the Guards didn't notice the voice that he have only heard today. “Did you forget? She's holding treasure right at her brain! if we took those treasure, we would be rich than the entire Asian's country!” the 3 look at each other, So they wanted to kill her cause she knows each and every treasure... interesting.

While the Man was busy laughing to himself, Mal Took a Towel and Wrap it around The man's mouth and nose. Holding his hands from behind him so the man can't escape. Phil came and directly look into the Man's eyes. “What are the details?” hypnotized by Yellow Sunset Eyes...the Man Told everything. After using him, they went to the girl...seems like she's asleep. Her Small figure sadden them to see her full of Bruises and cuts, even a disgusting bitemark have appeared there.

Phil carried the Girl after They untied them up, but before anything could happened. A red light appeared making all the guard alert and went running to their location. Mal Tsk as he yelled for them to escape, founding a nearby exit but to no avail, guards are there. “I do not wanna fight like this” Phil complained as he is carrying a girl on his back. “Deal with it Sunny. They are more than us, we still need you” Indo replied as more and more People appeared.

Mal first sprinted into action as he started to attack them with a metal rod he found. Indo help, hitting, kicking and twisting one's arm after another. As for Phil? His having trouble. Only using his legs as defense and jumping as two males charge at him, making them hit each other instead. This won't Do

just one Second

Phil threw the girl into the Air and started To take Actions. pulling an arm and slamming them to a nearby Male heading to his direction. Punching after another as he use another Male's head and slam it straight to the Wall and using his body as a weapon, yeetin the man straight to a gang full of more people. Everyone's Either Run away or is starfished into the floor...heck some are even dangling on the ceiling lights, who throw that poor man up there?

Phil catched the Girl right on time. Following the two as they escaped. The boss came in too late to find his Men's all beaten up to the floor. Well not all, the one inside there. He tsk as he begun to walk away, shutting the door as he ordered someone to heal them.

Back Home, the ASEAN thanked them as he put the girl on a hospital bed and a nurse begun healing her up

“Thank you for bringing her here but I still need one last favor, I hope some of you can make time to take care of her?” Mal and Indo shook both of their heads while Phil was fast asleep, leaning on Mal's shoulder as the boy cross his arms, slightly falling off as Mal Moves a lot.

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