Rivalry Love

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Well would you look at that-
A new Country added to Phil's harem making it Approximately 69 Countries...I shit you not, it's exactly 69- ( based on the character I've seen Phil is Ship With and the Cursed one's are Included)

NOTE: everything here is PURE FICTIONAL meaning HISTORY is Not Related to this Story.


Phil And Peru has always been Enemies, They've always Been Rivals, battling to whoever gets America's Attention and today is no exception.

Phil came in stumbling as Peru forcefully bump his shoulder, Making Phil Hiss in pain and Grab That Hat of Peru and Drag him down, making both of them Fall to theri Butts.

Teenage Girls started to snicker a blush and a giggle as they pass by. Books covering their Mouths as they Whisper to their Besties.

“Why Are You Like this” Peru Rolled his Eyes On Phil's Complain “You're the one to talk. you were in my way!”

“Me?! YOU” PH

“Iz NoT” PR

“It Is!” ph

“its NOT” pr


Both of the. flinches Seeing America standing in front of them. Phil Quickly stand up only for Peru to swing his feet resulting to Phil falling down once more.

Peru stands up to see a Shook American, “Peru, you know that's not nice of you to do” Peru only Smiled and give a winked that America eye rolled on.

American walk pass him only to give a hand to Phil, which Phil happily Accepts. While America is Happily looking at his Sunshine, Peru was at the back doing a Middle Finger when America Suddenly decides to Hug Phil and Phil just hug back, giving Peru also Middle Fingers.

China came in to see them and Declared Detention time for doing Such inappropriate gestures, well he ain't wrong.

America defends Phil but China's someone who doesn't lie here. yes we got a Nice Chine For Once.

China only sighs and Took both of Peru and Phil's hand and Drag them to timeoutRoom. They purposely Put that so they can learn not to do anything more stupid.

Phil and Peru sat a too far from each other. When China closed the Doors, he saw Elementary's doing the exact same Inappropriate hand gestures The two P's just did and Facepalm for he have to teach them not to do it. But China doesn't want to handle kids and he doesn't do well in handling then either so whoops.

The two started a staring contest and the teacher only shrug it off. Though while they stare into each other, they can't help but be jealous of how beautiful the other's color is. “Ganda ng mata mo T#ngin#” Peru blushed which Phil unexpected. Peru look away being Red while Phil scotted over to know why. Little did he know that Peru before wants to be Friends with Phil before the whole Rivalry starts to he Basically learn about Infos of Phil, not in a Creep way.

“Hello?” Peru yelps to see red hands in front of him. Looking up he is meet with Amber Eyes which he Push Phil's face away. Phil somehow...SOMEHOW finds this cute and Peru reddened up to see a Grin on that Face. Unfortunately Peru is Easily flustered so Phil is gonna have a lot of fun.

The teacher went away and that, Peru scream mentally wishing for the teacher to come back, he is Afraid of what This Filipino might do to him-

Nothing's gonna Happen

Phil: ( ͡°꒳ ͡° )

Phil sat on Peru's desk, holding Peru's chin so that Both of them can look at each other, “Ang Ganda mo talaga”

Peru Push Phil out of his desk, attempting to run away only to get pinned down on another one, “You understand my language, how odd of you” Peru Decided to SlAp buT pHil hold His hand and Seductively KiSs iT, stiLl lookiNg StaiGht at pEru.

Peru iz Tomatoe

The teacher come back only to see them and Reddened to which she Scolded and Made a punishment for them to which Phil sees as a not so bad though Peru iz Dead.

At the Cafeteria, where everyone is eating, the teacher gave a stern look telling them to do it.

Phil is seen HolDiNg hands with PerU........ayie— I mean AhEm

“Bet you don't have the guts to say it” Peru smirk which Phil only Grins at “Oh You'll See”


Huge amount of Food have been Spitted on, and also Water. Indo and Mal lowerd their heads to see their Friend first on having a lover-
Crying anime tears patting each other's back telling them its ok

America became dumb founded but in the inside he celebrated, throwing Confetti at Confederate's Face who gave a Death Stare to which he didn't mind and continued throwing Confetti's everywhere.

Phil Smiled at Peru showing how proud he is.

The teacher separated them since they've overcome their punishment though the next scene shock her eyes. He saw Phil's arm still holding Peru's hand even though they don't need to do it anymore. The teacher only smiled.....thinking it was friendship but NoPe...we DoNt Do that hEre, thOse two Are gOinG to gEt mArriEd-

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