When they are jealous

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“Yeah YEAH!... GeT thE fuYk ouT of mY liTtle SunFloWer FielDs Ya hEar mE BeAR Trap facE! ”

Oh dear... Looks like America's is not liking this very Very much. He's been
Swearing nonstop to the Rats that have been living in his Garden

“Bro AMERICA, shut the f***k up!”

“I don't f***ing CARE!”

“We're tryna sleep here!”

Canada scoofted at seeing America yelling at the Sunflower Fields at 2 AM in the morning. He never believe in such a thing

“Oh If I Saw you DoIng somEthing to my Sunflower I will make ya'll  pAy!”

And it keeps going on...and on..and on...until New Zealand had enough of it and Ask Philip for help. A few minutes later, Phil have arrive and seen....America Squatting and poking the dead rat that he caught with a stick

Phil: 🕳️-🕳️) you ok bru?

Nevertheless for this action that weirded out Philip, Philip still went to him and gently Tap America's Shoulder that Made America Angrier and swear off the Person that he though was New Zealand or Canada.

“Joe it's me”

America stop for a second, probably shook that he just sweard his Sunshine off-

It's now 3:04..still pretty Early
And the sun still have it's gentle sunlight Giving enough to let them see each other's faces in a soft and gentle way

“what are you doing?” Philip giggled as he saw America's situation earlier

Despite That America just swear at him, it felt like he have Forgotten about it as Phil innocently Stared at America's Blue eyes with a loving Smile.

The Sun giving lights to Philip as he Smiled

“Wanna talk about it?”



“Who is That guy?”

“Hermano, that's One of Felipe's Fangirls-”


Oops...Mexico was just joking around, sipping his water bottle in peace as they rest, just finish Jogging in the morning

And here they see Phil with a Girl,  hands lock together, entangled as well-

“um .. Felipe What are you doing? ”

Phil Didn't even flinch upon hearing his lover's jealousy with a tint of angry Spices

( Why did I say spices)

“Yeah?” Phil turn around only to be meet with a kiss on the lips

The girl just looking at both of them, tryna picture all 3 of them and she did successfully

“Is there something you need?” Phil ask as he really wants to finish this all off...he needs to rest, Spain's Kiss didn't help Phil's already tired legs. Azhilia is like a horse that keep Running and running around and Poor Uncle Phil have to Run just to catch up with her as Philia would Scold the heck out of him if there is even a mosquito bite seen on her Precious Daughter

“who is she?” Spain ask as he Yank Phil away from the girl

Girl: 👁️👄👁️)

“Oh..she's My niece! ”

One-shot & scenarios  /Country human/ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora