Remember me

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Back from the past....

When Philip meet Mexico.... From the time Emperor Spain took him... A memory that can never vanished... And a song.. that he will always remember

" Kuya xico! "

A place..inside the palace
A garden where Philip always stays
And a friend who has a guitar playing
Sadly..this is the last day
For Philip is Leaving

"Oh..Felipe..why are you here?"

( Pretend they are speaking Spanish )

"I came to say goodbye! "

He beam....he thinks this is a new adventure ...awaiting for him...he doesn't realize that his best friend will never get to see him again...not after for a long time...

" I'm bringing you with me! "
Mexico was shocked..he came to say goodbye only to say that he will bring him?

" What do you mean bring me with you? I can't come with you Felipe " Mexico Sadly said...bringing the guitar down..

" I'm not literally bringing you with me " Phil Put the guitar back to Mexico...

" I'm bringing a precious memory with me"

" Let's sing it. "

" But.. it's not finish-" Mexico got cutted of by Phil saying

" No... Even if it's not Finish... As long as I'll remember this precious memory "

Mexico teared a little bit.... Then smiled..

Phil starts..

' Remember me..... Thou I have to travel far~'

'remember me..... '

'from the days we are apart

( I for God had forgot about here just continue )

'until you're in my arms again~ remember me'

Mexico was going to sing the next line but Phil cutted him of...

" You'll sing when we meet again "

" Phil " Mexico was sad...he can't stop himself....

" As long as we remember each other..
This will never Fade "

Phil hugged Mexico...tighter than before...

" I love you " even if Mexico knew it was only a brother or best friend's his already satisfied...

6 years later

Mr.Europian Union and Mr. asean Going for a meeting

Spain - oh! I need you to meet someone!

Mexico - I swear..if you're trying to hook me with a another girl I'm leaving!

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