The Prince and The knight

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A Spain X Philip Story!

Inspire by ChasemeGames..

Some scene may look like no...bruh...

Here I am.. inside my room.. reading a book about the outside be honest..this is only pictures and words..and my mind or Imagination is the only things keeping this thing alive..I don't trust this things...sometimes they're fake sometimes their not....oh what a shame...the next page shows about a Huge fish that's is like a ghost I supposed to believe that? It feels fake to me to be honest....and oh what's this? A place where It is said that Whoever goes to the bermunda triangle will get Lost and never be found forever? What kind of bullsh*t is this? Didn't they think that the reason they can't contact them is because there is bad Connection there or it's really a dangerous place where Huge waves is the reason for your Disappearance and as the enormous clouds in the sky is an explanation of getting lost..

( Don't get mad ok? This is for entertainment purpose only.. Scientists are doing there best and are smarter than us so... Believe in them! ▼・ᴥ・▼

Narrator's POV..

Philip sighs as he close the book back that he have been's his way to speed up's about he put them in his Shelf .he went to his window to see a  beautiful Places..It shows A sunshine Sunset with a Very peaceful Winds..going through his hair....sure there are Laptops and Whatnot that.he's  supposed to have but he prefer book better

As he went the garden..he couldn't help but smile...until..he heard someone..

" Help– " before Phil could say anything...he saw Amber eyes going through the Bushes that are full of..itchy..things...uhhhhhh...

" Excuse me miss but have you seen this guy? "I shook my head no for some unknowns I see them walk away..I started getting quite did they get in my Garden?!

" I'm sorry about that it ok if I pay for the things that I've damage? " Phil look at the person who have a long red hair tied at the back..some Yellow Tips in his hair and Beautiful mix Hazel and Amber eyes....damn he looks attractive

' need " he smiled.

" No..I insist..I  must've have disturbed a prince like you~ "

Phil flinch.. " his did you know I'm a prince? "

" Cause you live here? "

" What– no..that not what I meant...I'm never allowed to be seen by did you even know who  I am?  You don't even know me! "

" Is that a problem? "

Phil didn't know what to say..this is his first time having human interaction with someone outside the castle...until he remembers..
He takes out his sword..

" You're after my Mark, aren't you? " Phil was in defense mode...Spain only puts both of his hand up in signs that he surrender...

" What mark? "

Phil widen his eyes...people only wants to be with because of him mark..that's the only happen all over and over..not a single one of his fake friends become even the slightest close to him...he found clues..and connected them together to only found that it will happen will repeat..he will trust someone and the moment he has his guard down..that's where they will came in and destroy him....he never wanted to experience that again so he lock himself up..even thinking of it makes him wanna kill those person who betrayed him....

" Wait..Amigo.."

Phil Pinned him to the wall....


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