it Started with a Dare

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Note: Warning, there are curse Words and probably one Scene where it's not ok especially when you're eating Soo (´ . .̫ . ') sorry for the upcoming scne on that

Who Would Have Thought This Would Happened...

Have You Ever have that feeling where you suddenly Wondered. What would happen if I didn't meet you at all? Yeah, me too. I've always have this special person in my heart. No matter what happened, I'm truly grateful I get to meet her...even if we are just friends... could say I've fallen For her but who could say no to her?

No One’s POV

It is Currently Noon. here seen a wooden House in a forest, Autumn Leafs surrounding the peaceful cabin as 5 People Get all cozied up In a warm Afternoon

“Ahhhh~ Wouldn't it be great if we live like this foreveeeeer?”
The Two Chuckled at Our Malaysia's Words, getting cozy, covering himself with a blanket, sitting on a bean bag as he sips his Hot Chocolate. “We can't stay like this forever. It's just a one week vacation and after that, we'll go back home”
Phil Replied Only making the Malaysian Groaned.

Indo Could only chuckle as he slips on his jacket. “Bye Guys! See ya later” the two waved goodbye as Indo Left with Ame and Nada Infront of him. Currently they are going to do some lil bit of exploring before deciding to go where they 3 would be deciding to chill at.

So that leaves us with Malay and Phil?

“Wanna Make a Dare?”
The Silence was broken, Phil Could only Look at Mal who's smirking with confidence. “ you mean?”
Phil raised a brow Hearing another word of chuckle Escaping Mal's mouth. “Hmm... Remember That America's Sister just now?”

“You Mean Canada?”

“Yeah..Well..I bet you can't even make her fall for you in just a week”

Phil could only Blink at this confusion. “Why would I even wanna make her fall for me?”
Truly It is Confusing.

“I can see that you've taken an interest on her, so why not push things a little bit further You know?”

He Didn't Know what to do. It's true he have taken a liking over Canada for the past few Days but that doesn't mean he wants to have a relationship with her. “Nah, I'm out of this. I'm not Interested”

The Malaysian only smirk saying an offending word people use to describe Scared people and Phil fuse with anger. “The absolute HELL did you just call Me?!”

Oh Mal's Dead, but in the end he Manadge to make Phil agree to this situation

Day 1

“Come on, just Go-”

“i DoN't WanT to-
I've change my Mind!”

“No, you gO, You promIsEd. Go Get your lovEr”

“She's not my LovEr!”

“She wIll bE”

“What are you two doing?”

The two Blink in embarrassment. Canada is there, right in front of them.

Mal Use Phil's arms and gave Canada Some Flowers, while using Phil's arm-

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