A Rare Pearl

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I don't think the Angst that powerful to reach emotions though cause I haven't felt sad since June 2022. And I'm only good at Romance Sad, I think. not this one,maybe.

Phil Runs through the forest as Gunshots were heard. He cursed as he hates being one of the Rarest Pearl out there, to be seek and captured alive.

His elf like ear and fuzzy Little Tail gives him an impression of a Deer

“COME OUT” one of the hunters Commanded though Phil only speed up more, creating more a chance to  escape. Running accidentally to a river, he struggles to Swim back.

But before he could lose his consciousness, he was yank off the water and held by the Arms of a Human.

Hours pass by and he bolted up to take aware of his surroundings. His in a cave with a blanket covering him. The fire gave light and Phil notice the Man just leaning and looking outside. Phil flinches as he looks for a chain that might've attached to him but found none. This confused him. This man had the pearl right at the palm of his hand and his allowing him to just be like this? No chains, no traps to keep him.. Just.. This?

“You Wouldn't survive out there with just yourself” it spoke. Phil grits his teeth, angered to see that badge pinned on his Uniform. “I am NOT going to give up the pearl-” “I'm not looking nor do i have interest in capturing the pearl”

Huh.. Interesting

Phil stiffened up. He may just be lying. Either way, he needs to get out of here. He knows what this hunters are. They don't do Small talks or show hospitality. They are not friendly.

“Why did you help me?” sure he could escape right now but after using his foot to step forward, readying himself for a run, it hurted him. His feet is injured and he can't run with his situation like this. “I just don't think why ever capturing you was a good idea. Sure it will make the king happy but for what reason? It's just like capturing a prince then putting them in like a zoo”

Phils face cannot say how confused he is.

The man Sighs “You get the idea. Oh, don't move around too much. You got a sprained ankle” so that's what it was.

“how do I know you're not lying? You could've damage my foot while I was unconscious so I can trust you when I see that you've help me as I am wounded”

He sure is a thinker, having Soo many thoughts.

“Can I just, help you out at least? As a Prince myself, I can't just leave someone behind. I find for peace, not create them”

Oh wise or not wise words?

“And how are you gonna help me? Many knows my Name. Many has seen my Face. I'll be drop Dead the moment I set foot on a Crowded area”

“Well. Work for me”


“I said work for me. You know, with a little bit of magic, you won't be seen as the walking Pearl of the Forest. But just a normal person trying to work for a living. Doesn't that sound way nicer? Plus, no one would suspect you're here this whole time”

Phil sighs. Just as he expected. They'll try and try and again and again to bring out their thoughts. “Pardon, but I respectfully decline your Offer, your Highness” the prince Chuckle, amused that the Pearl is speaking to him in Royalty.

“No need for the formalities. I'm fine with the way we speak”

Philip is very very cautious. Like.. You just meet this guy. Plus his a prince and a hunter at the same time. Two enemies in one body!

One-shot & scenarios  /Country human/ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum